Alright so while reading through the blogs and various articles on Solus I've noticed something in the pipeline that I have genuine questions and concerns about.

It would appear that the outage in Solus from years past has happened more than once with the current Solus we know being completely different from a version of it in the past. That isn't the issue though. The restructuring of the team internally would obviously seem to indicate a sincere desire to prevent anything like this from happening again.

The problem I see is that with Solus rebasing onto serpentos, an os created by the very person that abandoned Solus to begin with, is in charge of serpent. This is not the first time said person has abandoned a project either. So even if Team Solus has restructured and is safe, what happens if the very OS they're rebasing to suddenly goes up in flames?

This is not intended to bash anyone, I'm genuinely asking what measures would be taken if something like that happened. I'd hate for an independent Linux OS to just up and die.

: Based on some of the responses here and to prevent further arguments, feel free to close down this thread. The question has been answered

@ikey answered similiar question a while ago in this thread. Some of the technical detail has changed, but the spirit of the answer is still the same.

    the truth was much more boring than the knee jerk reddit version you have here. (to be fair to you, many have asked this). people have lives. they work for free. they get new jobs. priorities change so you can eat. this maliciousness you are insinuating did not exist and devs are way ahead of all of us on this stuff.
    as for the rest: 10 foot pole, I'm out.
    2 cents

      People are allowed to stop working on a project whenever they choose to, they don't owe anyone anything.

      Solus will be source based on Serpent OS, not binary based. Thus it is irrelevant if Serpent OS continues to exist after we transition or not.

      Unlike previous management where access to key infrastructure was limited to 1 - 2 people creating a bus factor. Solus now has plenty of coverage with appropriate levels of access to make whatever changes are needed.

        You have to look forward and not always in the rearview mirror. Yesterday is over. There is no need to dwell on it anymore.
        The course for the future has been set. We have learned from our mistakes. And things are going in the right direction.
        I continue to look forward with confidence.
        The (current) team is doing a wonderful job.
        I am very happy with what I have with Solus. Thank you

        brent there is simply no maliciousness here. Do I think Ikey is an evil person? No! Course not. But looking at the facts, there is a pattern of leaving a project abruptly without notice. That's a genuine concern. It's important to not defend something based on our perceived love of a project but to look at the facts. Not bash the people asking these questions.

        Harvey I agree with you on most of this but regarding that first part, when people donate their time (and money) there is an implied responsibility to follow through on things and not disappear without reason. Especially when others are giving their money to further a project.

          BitTim8 when people donate their time (and money) there is an implied responsibility to follow through on thing

          Funnily enough the people who have donated most time to Solus have made their peace with the situation, while it's always the ones who have invested next to no effort and time who seem very concerned.

            And what next? What exactly do you want to say now? Specifically.
            I don't understand what you're getting at

              The people working on the project are donating their time and in some cases their money as well, so no, your argument is not valid.

                Harvey your saying because the people working on the project are also donating time and money that responsibility can just be shirked? I'm sorry, that's a really irresponsible thing to say. My point is completely valid. This is what led to the outage happening a year ago and Solus almost going under.
                Can people just disappear? Absolutely, it's their choice. Is it a responsible one or an ethical one when money is being donated by people who aren't developing the project? Absolutely not!

                  Staudey I don't understand your comment. What exactly is this the point of this comment? Personally this is the kind of comment I just ignore. Good day

                    AlphaElwedritsch if you don't understand what I'm getting at, you clearly didn't read my concerns. My concern is that long term, Solus will go through another outage. That's what I'm getting at. Or potentially go under completely.

                    • ermo replied to this.

                      People do not have to work on something for the rest of their life because someone donated money to the project they created. People leave all the time and projects continue on. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and I am done with you.

                        Harvey lol. Okay. You live in your rent free world. Done with you as well. You clearly don't listen to the concerns of others and just shut people down immediately

                        Question: Do you use Solus as your operating system right now ?

                          alfisya I do! I dual boot with windows. Came from opensuse tumbleweed. My question here was never intended to be antagonistic in nature. I'm genuinely concerned long term about what will happen to this project. You answered in a simple concise way that was not bashing the person asking the question. Thank you for that

                          I intend to move solely over to Solus, but only once 5 is finished

                            BitTim8 I don't understand your comment. What exactly is this the point of this comment?

                            It's really not that hard to understand, is it? You said:

                            I agree with you on most of this but regarding that first part, when people donate their time (and money) there is an implied responsibility to follow through on things and not disappear without reason. Especially when others are giving their money to further a project.

                            Yet the people who are donating the most time and money don't seem to feel that way, and are in fact happy that there is once again collaboration with Ikey and other former contributors. On the other hand, it always seems to be outsiders and newcomers, who haven't donated money or time (or very little of it), who accuse people like Ikey of being irresponsible or whatever.

                            I also disagree that donating money creates a responsibility. It's a donation, not a salary or contract payment. Not to mention that the current donation amounts to Solus would be way too low for a proper salary anyway.