- Edited
Alright so while reading through the blogs and various articles on Solus I've noticed something in the pipeline that I have genuine questions and concerns about.
It would appear that the outage in Solus from years past has happened more than once with the current Solus we know being completely different from a version of it in the past. That isn't the issue though. The restructuring of the team internally would obviously seem to indicate a sincere desire to prevent anything like this from happening again.
The problem I see is that with Solus rebasing onto serpentos, an os created by the very person that abandoned Solus to begin with, is in charge of serpent. This is not the first time said person has abandoned a project either. So even if Team Solus has restructured and is safe, what happens if the very OS they're rebasing to suddenly goes up in flames?
This is not intended to bash anyone, I'm genuinely asking what measures would be taken if something like that happened. I'd hate for an independent Linux OS to just up and die.
: Based on some of the responses here and to prevent further arguments, feel free to close down this thread. The question has been answered