always wanted mouse pointer as a fruitfly. Is there a theme like that?
Show your Solus
Still rolling with the neon theme, but now running fish shell and full time with kwin scripts. Solus Plasma = Love
New wallpaper
pomon Woah. That wallpaper is awesome! I don't suppose you'd like to share the source?
I combined two wallpapers in Gimp
hildathedev i need your python program
synth-ruiner frozen bubble and those ubuntu 7 vibes.. reminds me of my early linux experience
528491 yeah, my first brief dabbling with Linux was Ubuntu 5.04, but I dualbooted 6.06 for a year or so. I really liked that theme!
You say - you have
I'm a sucker for default themes and wallpapers, no matter what OS i use. So what i did was replacing Firefox with Brave, adding neofetch to the shell and the workspace switcher to the taskbar. That's it.