My Gnome 2 style setup on Solus Mate on a true potato PC.
Show your Solus
Staudey I remember using Solus 95 back in the day with my pentium pro... Obviously much better than the MS clone, a shame they copied even the name.
YuriTheHenrique You probably mean Solaris... or I didn't get a joke.
MattX scroll up about 11'll get it.
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Brucehankins It's funny to see that ugliness on a quadcore Intel i5 machine and some modern Nvidia GPU... I wonder if there's a theme pack to make it look like stock Amiga Workbench 3.1 or even 1.3 and all with those crazy oversize custom icons that took like 1/4 of the screen some apps had.
I found an impasta
It's made by someone from the community, but I think it was posted on the old forums?
WonderingDane thanks for that wallpaper
i dont know about the old forums because i moved to solus only some months ago.
Switched quite a while ago to Budgie, due to being bummed off by qt, and wanted to switch to something gtk based.
Quite liked the plata-noir theme.
How do you make rounded panels. I did not find such a possibility in the environment settings.
PoorPocketsMcNewHold seriously...thats a lot of games on your library. i wonder how you get the time to play all of them ......
[deleted] I do, in fact. As I have the time extracting my PS3 & switch games, organizing and styling my Steam client, and customizing my desktop, I do say I have quite the time available x)
eyyb how to do that?
PoorPocketsMcNewHold Lucky you, when young I had no money and a bunch of free time, now I have money and no free time at all...
Minimalist Gamer's Motivation Station™
(port red is my favorite color. purple in daylight, red in roomlight.)
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[deleted] the icon for the file manager is red...interesting....
edited: if i am not wrong, i recently saw someone on steam discussions who posted almost the same screenshot of their desktop..i assume that is you.