
  • Used wallpaper-engine-kde port of the Wallpaper Engine wallpaper format to port this specific preset.
    sudo eopkg install -c system.devel
    sudo eopkg it qt5-declarative lz4-devel qt5-x11extras-devel qt5-base-devel git
    git clone
    cd wallpaper-engine-kde-plugin
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    sudo make install
  • Used panon for the two audio visualizers
    sudo eopkg install qt5-websockets  \
       python-docopt PyAudio numpy python-cffi python-websockets git
      git clone
      cd panon
      git submodule update --init
      mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../translations
    make install DESTDIR=../plasmoid/contents/locale
    cd ..
    kpackagetool5 -t Plasma/Applet --install plasmoid
    You can also just install that one from the KDE Store, but don’t forget to install the listed dependencies
    The tip to mirror it, is to check the flip option to the right one (Or the opposite one if you prefer)

    Until we get a potential R/L channel setting…
  • Used plasmataker for the little animated characters.
    Their sizing and positioning are really finicky and annoying, and their movement synchronization legit depend on Plasmashell boot time to delay some or the others, but that’s a neat addition.
11 days later

trying to keep as natural as possible.
found the OhMyBash project and it works with Solus while being faster and lighter (for me) than it's counterpart

lsb_release is far cool than neofetch of any other info-fetcher i've used up to now

glances replaced htop for system monitoring, a really good experience btw

avinav i lov this, i jus wish the desktop icon was able to go down a bit >< but i like what ya did with it (^^)