Thoughts and Ideas
So, after I updated my laptop to Solus 4.3, I noticed the theming for Plasma changed quite a bit. I feel like the theming for Solus was going in the right direction with SolusDark prior to the update. Then BOOM! I don't know how to explain it, Plasma just seems very fragmented when it comes to the theming side of things. Not as solid and cohesive as Solus Budgie out of the box. I believe Solus Plasma should be distinct from Budgie's theming and have it's own personality, but still be cohesive in terms of aesthetic. Allowing our at first sight impressions to group both Solus Plasma & Budgie as members of the same Family rather than complete strangers.
I would still challenge the theming even if it was the only DE available. Plasma just seems like an Experiment/WIP in the theming department.
I personally believe sticking with Opaque theming is the way to go. Transparency/translucency seems out of place for the default. Sticking with darker colour schemes is a yes, not as dark as budgie though. Solus Plasma needs it's own identity. So I don't really have much else to add. See my above post for my detailed ideas.
Plasma out of place?
My Default Plasma Theming
Final Thoughts
Like my first post, just some ideas, regardless if any are implemented or not it doesn't bother me.
Imma continue supporting Solus/Solus Plasma π
I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this topic.
Thank you @Girtablulu for all your hard work!