DNI_R Well, it is pretty hard to make money if you develop an open source product (working in such company). However, they provide full transparency and only small bits of code are close-source such as the features they provide on top of the "chromium base". Also, the closed source code can be read by anyone so there is no privacy-related problem.
What Is Your Preferred Web Browser?
Firefox has been my trusty sidekick since 2004, I think. I've used others, but always return to the Fox.
[deleted] - - - Had I not been in hear wandering around the forum and seen this topic with your post I never would have know about ( Citrix ) ! ! !
Heck ya now I don't have to wait until I am at work to check on Job Applications , or use work related e-mail.
I will need to go do some reading now.
THX Again
I'm surprised that Brave hasn't got more support. It's a pretty privacy based open source chromium browser so works with most chrome based extensions. I find it to be pretty fast too.
I use it on my phone and considering starting using it on Linux after I give firefox a decent chance to impress but i'm already thinking of going back to it for desktop use too.
rav101 So...what you are saying is...don't be scared to use Brave....
fishyman65712 nice to hear. That's what a forum is about: getting help
you're welcome
justoneprimate I see what you did there!
Palemoon (default 3 -4 years now), FF for backup.
Nobody said epiphany...
@kyrios Well it's at 1% so I assume there is literally one person that uses it
Because of this thread, I went and tried Vivaldi and I think I like it. I'm going to use it as my daily web browser for a while (long time FF user, with some Chrome sprinkled in for good measure) and see.
dbarron Yeah, I am now hooked. The customization is awesome.
Preferred: voted FF. Hate FF. Clunky. But I see nothing more secure.
Best looking on block: Chrome, but I don't trust it, man.
Messy Divorce: Qupzilla til it stopped functioning. Falkon, the re-brand, not the same.
Brave: I don't get it. I tried.
First Love: Opera. Will return to Opera soon. Real buggy a year ago. Hope it's better.
Mr. Kyrios: Epiphany is sleek. That is all.
I had less headaches using Chrome, but then a i got the "help-the-privacy-and-auditable code-company-helpers" then a i just though using Firefox would be the better option. Today a use Firefox, and I'm used to it, and it's fine, but i feel like Chromium based browser are just more fast.
Im thinking about use Vivaldi, they have a auditable source code, and for me that's cool, but i have to know how they are about privacy and how to make Netflix work on it. Would be nice if someone could help me. Ty!
My best firefox!!!
Main browser is Firefox, next choise Chrome.
Currently using Brave browser, fast browser, privacy by default and compatible with chrome extensions, moreover using Qwant by default as search engine, nice evolution for such young browser
Changed to Brave after reading this thread.
Tried out Vivaldi as well, but that was just way to much fuzz (customization and shit)
Tried out Vivaldi as well, but that was just way to much fuzz (customization and shit)
Funny enough all that customization is what attracted me to Vivaldi. Page Tiling and Web Panels.
- Edited
Well...I prefer privacy, but for now I like and use Opera-it's bookmarks are beautifull, but it's so stupid browser that can't be made to not remember history or delete it...it lacks control-as every other blink browser.
Firefox on the other hand seems to have discarted their philosophy for freedom and now partner with monsters like Soros to ,,fight fake news''. It was Firefox quantum which changed many of the default settings to be anti-private and free. Still it's far better than other browsers and you shouldn't be discouraged to use it. It's the best we have...and when hardened it's great Actually Tor is on the base of FF. You can check how to make it better here https://www.privacytools.io/#browser and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQhWdsFMc24.
For watching youtube/facebook and most of the account it's better to use Brave.