Why is gcc still running version 8.3 while there is a version 9?

- Jun 17, 2019
- Joined Mar 8, 2019
- 0 best answers
- In GCC version
- In Dock issue
- In Dock issue
- In Dock issue
- Edited
I just added a new panel on the left as you can see on this picture:
This panel is a dock (so it should be centered) and I only show the favorite software.
The problem as you can see is that it is not centered, in fact when I open an application that is not in the favorites and then close it, the dock goes up. Should I post something on dev.getsol.us? On the last version
Okay thank you
Hello everyone, I only use the linux-current kernel so I want to know if I can remove the linux-lts package.
Thank you