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Firefox. Vivaldi for things that need Chrome for some reason

XerXes I never really had any 'issues' with chrome. Of course, I had to install noscript and adblock extensions to keep it in check. But the overall Google philosophy had me considering moving on anyway. Snoople.

Otter, for the Qt theming, and great potential. It does crash a lot right now for me though... I use Firefox whenever Otter doesn't work.

DNI_R Well, it is pretty hard to make money if you develop an open source product (working in such company). However, they provide full transparency and only small bits of code are close-source such as the features they provide on top of the "chromium base". Also, the closed source code can be read by anyone so there is no privacy-related problem.

Firefox has been my trusty sidekick since 2004, I think. I've used others, but always return to the Fox.

[deleted] - - - Had I not been in hear wandering around the forum and seen this topic with your post I never would have know about ( Citrix ) ! ! !
Heck ya now I don't have to wait until I am at work to check on Job Applications , or use work related e-mail.
I will need to go do some reading now.

THX Again

    I'm surprised that Brave hasn't got more support. It's a pretty privacy based open source chromium browser so works with most chrome based extensions. I find it to be pretty fast too.

    I use it on my phone and considering starting using it on Linux after I give firefox a decent chance to impress but i'm already thinking of going back to it for desktop use too.

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      fishyman65712 nice to hear. That's what a forum is about: getting help 😄

      you're welcome

      Palemoon (default 3 -4 years now), FF for backup.

      @kyrios Well it's at 1% so I assume there is literally one person that uses it 😃

      Because of this thread, I went and tried Vivaldi and I think I like it. I'm going to use it as my daily web browser for a while (long time FF user, with some Chrome sprinkled in for good measure) and see.