Here's a doozy. I just updated my laptop running Solus Plasma (i dont know which release since its been a while since i picked up this laptop to play with solus) and I got the lovely and very much not annoying blank screen on login with cursor. Though oddly I can get the hot corner to activate for workspaces, however theyre all blank. So i try some things in the TTY to no avail, but I need to update eopkg to do more, and i get 5 "failed to fetch file" and Hit max retry count when downloading: ""
So for those keeping count, I dont have any means to update, which means i have no means to fix whatever broke after this update. I'm seeing posts about video drivers changing, but I cant scroll up and down in the histories on the TTY console prompt outputs because i dont know how, so I cant go see about the drivers names to switch back.
Just for fun i tried again to install the nvidia-glx-driver- current, common, and 32bit. Fails to fetch and git max retry for ""
To be fair i'm not sure if my Toshiba laptop even has nvidia drivers.
Are the servers down again? I will create a help post if its a more appropriate location for this.