Solus V made me think of Saturn V, which is accurate to compare to:

  • Very reliable
  • Way above others
  • Nothing can compare to

    Yay! Glad to see Solus back! Are we going to get package updates soon?

    As soon as the next ISO comes out, going to check out Solus once again. This distro just keeps on bouncing back from dire situations, which is great!

      win8linux As soon as the next ISO comes out, going to check out Solus once again. This distro just keeps on bouncing back from dire situations, which is great!

      that's where I'm at too. I'm ready for the .iso. No sense running the old 4.3 right now methinks. My hats off to all the users that stayed and install flatpaks for all their apps instead๐Ÿ™ .
      At the time I had no idea what proper "foss protocols" are when all security updates stop.

      Just chiming in here seeing your first comment on our new journey:
      Ikey, your work back in the days before SOLUS existed got me hooked to your fantastic OS and I have never since regretted installing it and installing all versions of SOLUS since!
      I have been a true SOLUS Budgie fan and love this community and all you knowledgeable guys out there working on our OS!
      Installed SOLUS Budgie also on quite a few family members' laptops (all ThinkPads of several generations, hooray!) and they all love(d) it and are still using 'your' feckin' fab OS (I admit to seeing you, Ikey, as SOLUS' creator)!
      So so happy having you on-board and, whatever happened in the past: Let's enjoy our mutual journey ahead!
      Thank you for joining the team, thanks also to Josh whose work and communicating skills I admire (that's a genuine praise, Josh, as I'm not an English native speaker).
      Cheers, mates!

      Outstanding to see you again, @JoshStrobl ! Really wonderful that the forums are back up again as well. This must have only happened a few days ago - amazing!

      Justin Nice to see you back again Justin.

      Starship is a beast. Looking forward to the test.

      Yes, but Starship still has to show what it is capable of. Saturn V made possible what seemed impossible.
      Is Serpent OS to Solus what Starship is to Saturn V ? (Just kidding ! I'm happy beyond words to know that Solus will go stronger !)

        I'm glad that the original creators are back and supporting Solus. Patiently waiting for the updates

        Have we an idea for the release of new ISOs and Solus V?

        Great news! Thanks for taking over and relive this snappy distro! I hope you'll finally integrate fwupd - I would love this!

        That s all great, but I wonder if there will be any changes, for better or worse, in the context of supporting accessibility for blind users?

        @bmivzkrp We unfortunately don't have any blind users on the team who could provide direct input, but we'll certainly try to incorporate suggested improvements. Thanks for your work in this regard in the past, by the way!