Outstanding to see you again, @JoshStrobl ! Really wonderful that the forums are back up again as well. This must have only happened a few days ago - amazing!

Justin Nice to see you back again Justin.

Starship is a beast. Looking forward to the test.

Yes, but Starship still has to show what it is capable of. Saturn V made possible what seemed impossible.
Is Serpent OS to Solus what Starship is to Saturn V ? (Just kidding ! I'm happy beyond words to know that Solus will go stronger !)

    I'm glad that the original creators are back and supporting Solus. Patiently waiting for the updates

    Have we an idea for the release of new ISOs and Solus V?

    Great news! Thanks for taking over and relive this snappy distro! I hope you'll finally integrate fwupd - I would love this!

    That s all great, but I wonder if there will be any changes, for better or worse, in the context of supporting accessibility for blind users?

    @bmivzkrp We unfortunately don't have any blind users on the team who could provide direct input, but we'll certainly try to incorporate suggested improvements. Thanks for your work in this regard in the past, by the way!

      JoshStrobl Solus is BACK!!!!! and after reading "A New Voyage" looks like it can be 'the' standard moving forward. Man, this is so exciting.

      What a so good news ! I planned this week-end to sadly uninstall all my Solus desktop ...
      Solus needs urgently an upgrade ( App obsoletes and Kernel with safety issues ) we cannot use anymore Solus without major safety risks...
      Do you have planned an fixing minimal update in emergency ? or is it better to use another distro as ultramarine or garuda and to wait for Solus 5 ?
      I'm using Solus with Citrix & for Dev purpose and I spent huge time to replace eopkg App with FlatPak one but even FlatPak has now update issuses with Solus ( I've RedHat dev licence but it is not the same UE ).

      Thanks again for the good news

        • [deleted]

        SOLUS_INVICTUS Like outlined in the blog post, Solus 4.x will still receive updates. They just need to get build-infra going.


        Build to repo pipeline is now working! Huge team effort on this one, from tackling issues w/ solbuild to builder upgrades & configuration.

        👏Ikey, Joey, Reilly, Staudey, Rune and myself (Josh).

        TODO: CDN for repo. Get RIT to rsync from our repo. Lots of updates! Coming soon TM - Josh


          Thanks for you reply.
          OK then nothing planned yet ... builging a solid infra takes many time ( or big money if course 🙂 )

          SOLUS_INVICTUS Do you have planned an fixing minimal update in emergency ? or is it better to use another distro as ultramarine or garuda and to wait for Solus 5 ?

          A first wave of updates have already been build and synced between the (new, as yet not public) Unstable and Shannon/Stable repositories. As soon as we get mirroring to RIT running again the updates will flow

            "The first wave" Sounds great, assuming these updates would almost exclusively be for security and stabality issues?

              Good news but hopping in short delay ...
              I hope this wil fix my Solus' Issues ( clock not ok, no more brightness option in power since the last update but brightness setting still working from live USB, I need to use xrandr --output eDP-1 --brightness 0.7 to overcome it, ... ) I think that the lack of upgrade is the source of these issues ...
              Best regards,