
  • 2 Jan
  • Joined May 30, 2019
  • 0 best answers
  • Hello!

    With the impending EoL date for Win 10, I wanted to finally switch to Solus on my main machine as I have also been using Solus for 5 years on my multimedia laptop. Currently, all the programs I need (maybe except Fusion 360 & FiveM) are available on Linux so it's not an issue, but what is a problem for me is that I'm also a simracer; I mainly play & ATS/ETS2 which work on Linux but the problem is that there is no 'Oversteer' application in the Solus repo so I cannot configure anything about my steering wheel.

    I know simracers are a minority even on Linux in general, but I would really love you if you were to put the 'Oversteer' application on the repo as that's literally the last thing holding me back from fully switching over yet even OpenSUSE has that. There's also another application called 'Boxflat' which is for more high-end direct-drive wheelbases so I don't expect that one to be ported over, but I think 'Oversteer' would be just the best solution for now

  • ikey I guess the answer is 'no' in this case? Good

  • With moss, will the format of the commands to update the system etc. change? Will it be sudo moss up instead of sudo eopkg up ? I don't want to have the commands become more complex for simple stuff, as that's one of the reasons as to why I like using Solus over other distros

    • ikey replied to this.
    • nolan Sadly, it didn't. Any commands related to packages give me the missing file error which doesn't let me proceed

      • Hello. This is the only place I've seen someone experience this issue as well, so I have to grab onto this thread. Today, I've installed Solus Plasma on my SSD while having Windows on a separate NVMe drive. I had trouble with trying to get Solus 4.3 to boot so had to resort to 4.1. After I got it fired up & installed without issues, I've rebooted the system for all the changes to take effect. To my surprise, the system does not boot anymore. It just gets stuck on a black screen with a blinking cursor in the upper left-hand corner, however I am able to change into another TTY session with the F-keys. Trying to update the system by doing sudo eopkg up. it gives me an error about missing file(s), especially metadata.xml. I am unable to do anything update-wise to the system as every similiar command to the one mentioned above results in the aforementioned error.

        What could be the reason for it? Missing GPU drivers? Something not playing well with my mobo? The metadata.xml was related to Kross if I remember correctly

        • Now, my method might not be the best one & it MIGHT erase the whole disk (as I sometimes don't trust myself) but as far as I know, you can remove the other partitions (excluding Solus) & then just resize the Solus partition to take up the whole disk space