Show your Solus
I like conky.
Harvey Awesome picture.
Looking at the clocks, middle panel is 1-2 font size smaller. Each panel should have separate setting, yes.
[deleted] what the wallpaper name? looks simply and beauty
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An Austrian Budgie Desktop
Gtk: Plata-Noir-Compakt
Icon: Suru++
Here's mine
Lucien_Lachance I need to learn how to use conky. Just downloaded it. Wish me luck.
streambinder which de?
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shan9656 Budgie with few (d)conf/css hacks, more deeply:
- WM: Budgie Desktop
- Terminal: Tilix
- GTK: Plata-Noir
- Icons: Papirus
- Custom
: streambinder/dots/dconf/com.solus-project - Custom
: streambinder/dots/gtk.css - Wallpaper: assorted-color hot air balloons during daytime by unsplash/ian dooley
Does anyone use bspwm on Solus and are willing to share their dotfiles? i3wm is great but has problems I think binary space management may help solve. I'm too stupid to do it myself though
LinuxPaulM You'll need to install sxhkdrc as well for mapping keybindings to bspwm. I'd recommend checking out some bspwm setups on the unixporn subreddit. People that post on there also usually link to their dotfiles.
The simple the better
[Theme] Arc theme
[Icons] Flat-Remix-Blue-Dark
Christoph3 which theme are you using?