Which applets do you use on the top panel? Looks good and i cant find in the settings.
Show your Solus
Christoph3 What are you using for the weather there?
Here is mine. Just installed tonight. Still have a lot of work to do. Very minimal. I really want to change the date on the clock to this format: May 7,2019, but I don't know how . The numbers are annoying me
OS: Solus Budgie 4.0
Theme: Plata
Icons: Paper
- Edited
Scotty-Trees Dance Gavin Dance! $#@! yes! My favorite band of all time! That album is !
Mod edit: Language.
r0by its just conky with a transparent gnome panel. conky is set up to mimic the gnome panel. can be done in budgie too
Lucien_Lachance i found a new fetish thanks to you!
- Edited
[deleted] hehe, most wallpaper sites have plenty, just search for 'poly' or something
I like conky.
Harvey Awesome picture.
Looking at the clocks, middle panel is 1-2 font size smaller. Each panel should have separate setting, yes.
[deleted] what the wallpaper name? looks simply and beauty
- Edited
An Austrian Budgie Desktop
Gtk: Plata-Noir-Compakt
Icon: Suru++
Here's mine
Lucien_Lachance I need to learn how to use conky. Just downloaded it. Wish me luck.
streambinder which de?
- Edited
shan9656 Budgie with few (d)conf/css hacks, more deeply:
- WM: Budgie Desktop
- Terminal: Tilix
- GTK: Plata-Noir
- Icons: Papirus
- Custom
: streambinder/dots/dconf/com.solus-project - Custom
: streambinder/dots/gtk.css - Wallpaper: assorted-color hot air balloons during daytime by unsplash/ian dooley