Here is mine. Just installed tonight. Still have a lot of work to do. Very minimal. I really want to change the date on the clock to this format: May 7,2019, but I don't know how 🙁. The numbers are annoying me 😛

OS: Solus Budgie 4.0
Theme: Plata
Icons: Paper

Scotty-Trees Dance Gavin Dance! $#@! yes! My favorite band of all time! That album is 🔥 !

Mod edit: Language.

    r0by its just conky with a transparent gnome panel. conky is set up to mimic the gnome panel. can be done in budgie too

      treepi3 I've edited your post to remove the expletive, please keep it family friendly. 😃

        Harvey Awesome picture. 🙂

        Looking at the clocks, middle panel is 1-2 font size smaller. Each panel should have separate setting, yes.