***I am brand new to the budgie dock. two weeks now. I like the very clean look. and I never get sick of the old solus Tullamore pics.
Show your Solus
I've done a lot of little tweaks over the years with Solus - custom styles, four custom system tray apps I made, rotating wallpapers, etc. Really like how I've gotten it by this point.
Hi Brent,
which package did you install too get that dock (up there)?
Would you tell us which wallpaper that is?
Could you share it with us?
It's such a nice photograph!
SOLUSfiddler I think you can set up dock/panel position in budgie desktop settings
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Thank you, just saw that, too.
Found it, you click TOP in the POSITION settings. [But how can one move the dock to the top of the screen as Brent has done it?]
SOLUSfiddler glad you liked the simplicity.
whatever I did here:
resulted in the tullamore picture above as soon as I activated the dock slider:
so it centered itself is how I remember it.
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brent I never get sick of the old solus Tullamore pics.
My wife and I used to use that (or similar) as our lock screen backgrounds, so when we locked our computers at night, they displayed that night scene. Now, we just hibernate them, so they turn off completely at night, and I kinda miss those backgrounds.
EDIT: That reminds me, I miss Tulamore Dew, as well. I need to add some to our next grocery order.
Trying to reignite friendship with GNOME
In before Gnome 45 screws up extensions LOL
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Edited: new wallpaper (birds)
Solus Plasma
having switched to plasma after a lengthy relationship with gnome
ive found great consistency in the "fluent-dark" theme,
bottom middle floating panel for task manager
top panel with commonly used widgets in the middle
shoutout to the chatgpt widget also!
jawkins just a standard plasma panel =]
set it to "floating" and resize it
I recently changed my traditional Plasma laptop arrangement to a top bar with a Latte dock on the bottom, after playing with Solus Xfce for a while. It made me appreciate that arrangement (which is default for Xfce). I never really developed a taste for GNOME.
I especially appreciate that Latte dock. Like most KDE software, it's very well designed and built. It's almost uncanny how well it disappears when it's not needed, and appears when it is.
Oh, and welcome to KDE Plasma. You're going to be very happy with it, I'm sure.
Hello again
Still few things to touch up here and there to make it feel more comfy.