and analog desktop clock!
must have analog clock! point me to script🙂
thank you!

edit: you have a raven trigger so not xfce. I thought the panel analog clock (not the desktop analog clock) was a xfce thing..

    brent Budgie, and the clock is compiled tzclock. It should work independently of the desktop environment.

      paolo84 What are your installed extensions? How did you do that panel at the bottom?

      pomon I got the clock and the library deps, thank you.

      I tend to keep theming to a minimum. The only customizing I've done is to move panels around.

      Star Wars themed Budgie with Norse Icon set and Plank setup.

      Plank with transparent background.

        SethStorm666 Plank with transparent background.

        It looks like you've found a way to put a couple of panel spacers on your plank. I'd like to do that, to separate groups of applications of different types, but I haven't figured out how yet. How did you do that?


          It's quite easy. You simple drag an image into plank and uses it as a spacer. Though if you use more than one spacer tehy need different names.

            SethStorm666 You simple drag an image into plank and uses it as a spacer.

            Might one also ask where you found that image? Did you create it?

              Facundo-c-c good god a compaq presario? Far out! I used to have one.
              How do you run Solus with a WM (sway)?
              Last question: how to get that warm dimming? that's not redshift or nightlight is it?

                SethStorm666 I made this video of my Solus - Budgie Desktop. (~ 1.14 minuts long)

                I think it's like the first video showcasing Solus DE in the thread, nice 🙂

                Guess I will say it I dont think thats proper for the forum.
                But I am not the one to decide.

                  Axios I will say it I dont think thats proper for the forum.

                  Since you didn't refer to what you don't think is proper for the forum, I have no idea what you're talking about.

                    WetGeek Sorry his profile picture (blueicetwice)
                    But like I said just my opinion.

                    the budgie wallpapers are more and more every month -- I cannot keep up with you guys.
                    Check out "Solus--The Shining Edition"

                    OS: Solus
                    DE: Budgie
                    Theme: Orchis Compact
                    Icons: Sci-fi - Blue
                    Wallpaper: Cat in Clouds (4k)