Show your Solus
- Edited
Looking through these desktops I can only say that Solus u$ers seems to have good taste. Well here's mine (still tinkering with my conkies, RSS feeds are bloated on the left side, but I'm just checking which feeds have info I'm interested to keep):
Monsieur_Caillou Super minimalism, nice
Time to share mine !
( don't look at the Debian wallpaper )
sangheeta do you mind sharing that wallpaper. Best regards!
lovemytux thank you very much
dbarron hi there , you have profile fonts installed? what is your bash or zsh configuration?
Christoph3 Running agnoster as oh-my-zsh theme.
Christoph3 Sure,
but unfortunately there is a text at the bottom, which I started to delete with gimp.
I searched for a clean version without success.
edivan Hello, for the Icon image
usr/share/icons/Sardi/scalable/places , start-here-symbolic-solus.svg
For mine I wanted a dark theme, so opened in GIMP re-colored , added dark to the name and presto.
sangheeta thanks a lot
MatthewScholefield can you share with me what widget you use to display the date on desktop wallpaper.. thank you..
Yup this is my linux