lovemytux Thanks for your help. This icon has a default image of Solus, and the link has a black and a yellow one. Do you have this pattern in good standing? Where do I leave it for the script to find it?

    Looking through these desktops I can only say that Solus u$ers seems to have good taste. Well here's mine (still tinkering with my conkies, RSS feeds are bloated on the left side, but I'm just checking which feeds have info I'm interested to keep):

      edivan you can use the script for any image that you want and you place the image as the last argument in the script:
      ./ -s 1920 1080 /path/to/the/image.jpg

      dbarron hi there , you have profile fonts installed? what is your bash or zsh configuration?

        edivan Hello, for the Icon image
        usr/share/icons/Sardi/scalable/places , start-here-symbolic-solus.svg

        For mine I wanted a dark theme, so opened in GIMP re-colored , added dark to the name and presto. 🙂