here's my budgie pc.Later on i will upload the image of my solus MATE pc as well.
(important note: please do not laugh at the installed RAM,i know it is less)
here's my budgie pc.Later on i will upload the image of my solus MATE pc as well.
(important note: please do not laugh at the installed RAM,i know it is less)
update with new config https://github.com/georgybog/blenderfruitos
My Solus with KDE Plasma..
algent Yeah it's a pretty neat theme with these rounded edges and coloring. I'm not too picky, personally, and when I saw it all put together on someone else's screen shot I thought it would work for me!
Curious, though, which parts do you mean are not ready? Apart from some minor things (like fields in the settings app not being visible) it seems pretty good to me.
My current look
Plata Compact theme, Moka icons
Oh yea..'m in love wth KDE..A special thanks for @Girtablulu for this excellent integration with Solus and yes its Wayland !
Your desktop looks so good!
I also use Solus kde, and can you tell me which theme and icon pack you are using.
Infamous711 Thank you! Yup below are the details..
icon theme : Tela Circle, Fluent Icons are also excellent
Global Theme : Fluent Dark
Kavantum ; Fluent
Plasma Theme : Rounded
Dock : latest latte-dock from git
Conky : MX-SideDiag
Here is mine (work in progress)
Not beeing a ricing expert at all. It's Budgie, using polybar and budgie panel's on the other three edges, so when I hit super+arrowup I still have "gaps" on the outside edges. For the "tiling" I use budgie window shuffler. I know, strange configuration (just wanted to play around a bit). Other than that, I use alacritty and rofi.
Edit: Thinking of adding a weather conky in the brighter green area, just to fill up that space a bit.
definitely some changes since my last post here about 2 months ago!
trying to keep solus as clean and minimal as possible.
Yes, raven is still there. I think you cannot disable it all together. I never use raven menu when I am on budgie.
The budgie panels give me the outside gaps. So when I maximize a window, I dont use up the full screen. Just a design choice. I am very used to the shortcuts super+up/down/left/right. The window shuffler is just used for the tiling. Currently, I uninstalled the shuffler again since I rarely use more than two windows on one workspace.
I was already living in i3 and bspwm in the past. While setting up/customizing is fun, I was interested in getting similar results without the process of installing an additional wm and everything it needs (just modifying what you get with a bare install). I just took a polybar config I had somewhere and used it on budgie.
What I have done doesnt make sense really. It just serves the purpose of tinkering
But sadly, my laptop (e480) died couple days ago. Had a short for some reason where the power inlet is (which is close to the lcd hinge) and something caused a spark, than a flame and than smoke... RIP
So, no linux for me currently. Thinking of getting a x270 refurbished or a tablet, since I still have a proper pc too. But linux on a tablet is a totally different story.