Brucehankins I freakin' love it. I just want a better icon theme, all of 'em feels like they're missing something. Also, anybody knows a way to make the tray icons all white?

5 days later
  • [deleted]

here's my budgie pc.Later on i will upload the image of my solus MATE pc as well.
(important note: please do not laugh at the installed RAM,i know it is less)

17 days later
10 days later
8 days later

judd A CPAP machine?

Exactly, I'm guessing from an F-14 or F-16 pilot.

Bhibb It is interesting to see that "Brighwork" theme is getting a lot of attention, even it is not ready.

    algent Yeah it's a pretty neat theme with these rounded edges and coloring. I'm not too picky, personally, and when I saw it all put together on someone else's screen shot I thought it would work for me!

    Curious, though, which parts do you mean are not ready? Apart from some minor things (like fields in the settings app not being visible) it seems pretty good to me.

      Bhibb From the README

      This theme is still in development, and this is just a test or preview version for those interested.

      And you have to consider that last commit was 2 years ago.

        algent Makes sense! Yeah even though it's not done and abandoned, the work that is complete looks good to my eyes 😃


        Your desktop looks so good!

        I also use Solus kde, and can you tell me which theme and icon pack you are using.