Staudey Unskippable game intros/cutscenes
This is a good point. I'm playing XIII (good ol' 2003 version, not that stupid remake) and there are unskippable cutscenes. That really pisses me off. I rememeber playing all the Gears of War games with my cousin and it was just awful. It was like 5 minutes of gameplay and 10 minutes of pointless cutscenes, especially when plot in these games is just retarded like in Starship Troopers movies. 😆
And the tutorials for dumb people in freaking FPS games. Really? We were playing games in the 90's, even sophisticated ones like strategy games or RPG games. There were no tutorials at all, only manuals. But now people are scared by booklets or PDFs. What the...?
Edit: And we were drinking beer while playing Gears of War. I got so f... drunk I couldn't aim at those dumb aliens or find my cousins character to heal him. I was running around like a spider on LSD in the bathtub. All because I was literally drinking a bottle of beer for a cutscene. Could you believe that?