I like to play around with programs and I had stuff lying around everywhere. Once I heard about setting up an Applications folder a lightbulb went off in my head.. I keep all my scripts and tar balls and zip files in this Application folder now too.
The thing is.. after writing my reply to this post I think I might have been wrong about having AppImageLauncher. In my autostart list I have appimaged. My roommate is a distro-hopper and he just switched from MXLinux to Solus KDE. Back when he had MXLinux I think I installed AppImageLauncher on his OS.
Either way I have installed both and I think they both work very well. Solus is proving it's reliability and stability now too.. the fact that I have been running the same installation of Solus Budgie since March 2019 and I can't keep track of everything I've installed and I -STILL- cannot do anything to bork this system shows the excellence of the Solus Operating System.
I honestly feel that enabling AppImage integration out of the box would be a small but meaningful and unexpected addition to the overall user experience for Solus. It isn't necessary but I believe it would benefit the core audience of this operating system.