JoshStrobl but as far as I remember there were plans to integrate appimage into the desktop using the appimaged tool. But appimaged is deprecated and we wait stable release go-appimage. Or I'm wrong?

AppImageLauncher is a great tool to integrate AppImages into your desktop. It creates a folder called Applications in your /home folder and any AppImages you download or try to install will end up moved to that folder. Instead of marking the files as executable just make sure you download the files into the Applications folder and AppImageLauncher will handle everything else.

I recall being confused when I tried to install the AppImageLauncher. There are a ton of different file formats to choose from. The file you should be choosing is

appimagelauncher-lite-2.2.0-travis995-0f91801-x86_64.AppImage located on the AppImageLauncher releases page.

I personally use AppImageHub to get all of my AppImages and have found the selection to be stellar. I have a ton of AppImages and the AppImageLauncher handles everything exceptionally well.

    algent So glad I use the Openbox window manager. I can easily integrate AppImages into the menu by editing the menu.xml file.

    jrsilvey I'm running two binaries (appimages) right now. Does AppImageHub program/tool move ALL files into a centralized /home? Or do some files get scattered about as an installed package does? I would explore more but I like the idea of keeping them organized an in their own spot for sure. Thanks.

      brent Hey Brent. You specify a place where to save AppImages and after donwloading put them there.
      For example I use /home/algent/OtherApps/AppImages. After that AppImageLauncher have a deamon that creates .desktop files in /home/algent/.local/share/applications and after a few seconds the Applications will appear on Menu.

      If the AppImage support autoupdate, AppImageLauncher will take care of that. For example I have YouTube-Downloader-GUI-2.0.0.AppImage which is a cool application to download videos from youtube, it was auto updated yesterday.

        algent Chiming in with my process...if I'm only using the app in one distro, I'll put it under /home/<user>/local_bin/appimages. If I'm using the app in multiple distros, I'll put it under /home/<user>/bin/appimages, which I have softlinked to /media/data/share/bin (Solus) or /data/share/bin (Debian). I have a dedicated partition for sharing data type files (documents, spreadsheets, images, PDFs, etc.) among all distributions that I currently run.

        8 days later


        I like to play around with programs and I had stuff lying around everywhere. Once I heard about setting up an Applications folder a lightbulb went off in my head.. I keep all my scripts and tar balls and zip files in this Application folder now too.

        The thing is.. after writing my reply to this post I think I might have been wrong about having AppImageLauncher. In my autostart list I have appimaged. My roommate is a distro-hopper and he just switched from MXLinux to Solus KDE. Back when he had MXLinux I think I installed AppImageLauncher on his OS.

        Either way I have installed both and I think they both work very well. Solus is proving it's reliability and stability now too.. the fact that I have been running the same installation of Solus Budgie since March 2019 and I can't keep track of everything I've installed and I -STILL- cannot do anything to bork this system shows the excellence of the Solus Operating System.

        I honestly feel that enabling AppImage integration out of the box would be a small but meaningful and unexpected addition to the overall user experience for Solus. It isn't necessary but I believe it would benefit the core audience of this operating system.

        Applications Folder

          jrsilvey would you by chance happen to know why this isn't working? I'm stuck at the cmake command in the

          ooga@x024 ~/AppImageLauncher/build/CMakeFiles $ sudo cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$PREFIX"

          -- The C compiler identification is unknown
          -- The CXX compiler identification is unknown
          CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:3 (project):
          No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found.

          Tell CMake where to find the compiler by setting either the environment
          variable "CC" or the CMake cache entry CMAKE_C_COMPILER to the full path to
          the compiler, or to the compiler name if it is in the PATH.

          CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:3 (project):
          No CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER could be found.

          Tell CMake where to find the compiler by setting either the environment
          variable "CXX" or the CMake cache entry CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to the full path
          to the compiler, or to the compiler name if it is in the PATH.

          -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
          See also "/home/ooga/AppImageLauncher/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
          See also "/home/ooga/AppImageLauncher/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".

          the CMakeError.log

          Compiling the C compiler identification source file "CMakeCCompilerId.c" failed.

          Build flags:
          Id flags:

          The output was:
          No such file or directory

          Compiling the C compiler identification source file "CMakeCCompilerId.c" failed.
          Build flags:
          Id flags: -c

          The output was:
          No such file or directory

          Compiling the C compiler identification source file "CMakeCCompilerId.c" failed.
          Build flags:
          Id flags: -Aa

          The output was:
          No such file or directory

          Compiling the C compiler identification source file "CMakeCCompilerId.c" failed.
          Build flags:
          Id flags: -DCLASSIC_C

          The output was:
          No such file or directory

          Compiling the C compiler identification source file "CMakeCCompilerId.c" failed.
          Build flags:
          Id flags: --target=arm-arm-none-eabi;-mcpu=cortex-m3

          The output was:
          No such file or directory

            ooga Try: sudo eopkg it -c system.devel to install most common tools needed to compile source code. You may then have to install other needed dependencies probably listed on the file you're referring to (make sure to install the -devel packages).

              kyrios progress, although one more error

              CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.20/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:556 (message):

              A required package was not found
              Call Stack (most recent call first):
              /usr/share/cmake-3.20/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:778 (_pkg_check_modules_internal)
              lib/libappimage/cmake/scripts.cmake:113 (pkg_check_modules)
              lib/libappimage/cmake/imported_dependencies.cmake:10 (import_pkgconfig_target)
              lib/libappimage/cmake/dependencies.cmake:7 (include)
              lib/libappimage/CMakeLists.txt:29 (include)

              -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
              See also "/home/ooga/AppImageLauncher/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
              See also "/home/ooga/AppImageLauncher/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".

                ooga The message says you're missing a dependency. You have to install the missing -devel package(s) or build them if they are not in the repository.

                Did you check the build instruction and make sure all the needed packages are installed ?

                jrsilvey that picture is exactly what I'm aspiring to, thank you. Also, we drink to Solus. I haven't been able to bork it up for a long time now either, and I have always found a way before🙂

                kyrios I did run "sudo eopkg it -c system.devel" and installed a lot of dependencies with no issues, but still something left

                  ooga Yes but you didn't check if all the dependencies listed on the file you mentioned are installed. The system.devel contains the commonly used packages but not everything that each and every application in the galaxy may require.

                  For example, in the dependencies list, I see cairo and librsvg and if I look at libcairo-devel and librsvg-devel, I see it is in programming.devel and not in system.devel so it is probably not installed on your computer. You have to check if the following dependencies are installer or not until you get all the required packages installed.


                    ooga & kyrios

                    I would refer you to my previous post..

                    jrsilvey AppImageLauncher is a great tool to integrate AppImages into your desktop. It creates a folder called Applications in your /home folder and any AppImages you download or try to install will end up moved to that folder. Instead of marking the files as executable just make sure you download the files into the Applications folder and AppImageLauncher will handle everything else.

                    I recall being confused when I tried to install the AppImageLauncher. There are a ton of different file formats to choose from. The file you should be choosing is

                    appimagelauncher-lite-2.2.0-travis995-0f91801-x86_64.AppImage located on the AppImageLauncher releases page.

                    I personally use AppImageHub to get all of my AppImages and have found the selection to be stellar. I have a ton of AppImages and the AppImageLauncher handles everything exceptionally well.

                    Just run the AppImage of AppImageLauncher-Lite in the above link. No building from source or development commands needed.

                    The issues you are running into are exactly what happened to me. It is literally as simple as marking the AppImage as executable and then running it. The documentation about this is confusing so don't feel bad.. I went through the same issues as you are now experiencing my first time trying to integrate AppImages.

                    kyrios JoshStrobl @DataDrake

                    I am fully aware of the stance shared by the Solus development team about AppImages. As I understand your views on AppImages, they are simply binaries and need to be marked executable and so there is no need for any integration into the Solus system.

                    However @ooga ran into the same issues I experienced when it came to trying to install AppImageLauncher to integrate the package installer format. There is no need to to try and build anything from source if you just run the AppImage version of the AppImageLauncher-Lite. This third party software isn't exactly clear about that though.

                    Would it be possible to perhaps add a section to the Solus website Help Center about integrating AppImages into Solus OS?

                    If both @ooga and I went through the wrong set of steps to install this piece of software it is likely other people have as well. I would help write the steps down for you so we can prevent further issues and enhace user experience on the matter going forward.