ooga kyrios 😅 jrsilvey Ok, so if I'm on x64 system I download the x86/x64 AppImage and continue how?
algent ooga Don't install the whole programming.devel component, but only the extra packages you need to compile the program. vgrep-devel is a package that needs to be deprecated in Software Center. About the AppImageLauncher check this post: https://discuss.getsol.us/d/6200-how-to-get-appimage-launcher-installed
ooga algent wow, look at that, much appreciated! and now I only have to find desktop files like you have in your other thread you linked previously.
algent ooga Yes, just save them in one place. AppImageLauncher deamon will do all the job to manage the desktop files to add or remove them from Menu.
ooga jrsilvey yes, but not with the original way with installing all the dependencies manually, the AppImageLauncher worked with little to no manual commands. algent gotcha, will do. thanks a lot for all the help