Could you folks do the following for me?
Install vala and glib2-devel, which will be dependencies for a test program: sudo eopkg install -c system.devel && sudo eopkg install glib2-devel vala
Next, copy the following contents into a new file called desktop_file_test.vala
using GLib;
public static int main(string[] args) {
stdout.printf("%s is the reported get_user_special_dir for UserDirectory.DESKTOP\n", Environment.get_user_special_dir(UserDirectory.DESKTOP));
stdout.printf("%s is the reported home dir\n", Environment.get_home_dir());
return 0;
Next, open a Terminal and go to the directory you saved the file. If you put it in your home directory, you may not need to go anywhere, but can just do cd ~
to be sure.
Next, run valac desktop_file_test.vala
and if it doesn't output anything, it means it built fine.
Run the new program by doing ./desktop_file_test
and paste the output here.
Also congrats, you're now a l33t haxor / software engineer. No excuse to submit code patches now! 😛
Edited: Edit to add missing system.devel component installation.