rav101 alias ipe='curl ipinfo.io/ip'
great! thanks
rav101 alias explore='nautilus .'
If I may suggest: 'nautilus . &'
JoshStrobl In case my brain derps:
alias eokpg epkg epokg eopgk...
deep derpd already, hence:
alias epi='sudo eopkg install'
alias epr='sudo eopkg remove'
alias eps='sudo eopkg search'
alias epupd='sudo eopkg up' #update solar system solus
Perfect! thanks, I knew there was a better way
Jazzyboy1 I'm gonna start making more cheatsheets like the one I made for Vim and for my robotics module, cause they are really useful.
same, I've made some light paper sheets to carry around and stick on the nearest wall. Much faster than switching screen/window focus and there's some kind of neuro-mind-to-hand-and-back-again that increases retainment for me, compared to just copy pasting some lists out on the screen .
Then mixing it with:
alias gb='cat .bashrc | grep'
Some other favs are:
alias gb='cat ~/.bashrc | grep'
alias ps='ps axjf'
alias gps='ps axjf | grep'
Often taking a man peek with man [program] | grep [word]
but don't know how to bash that out easier. Like ctrl+f on a webpage.
alias vgr='vagrant reload'
alias vup='vagrant up'...etc.
alias dk='docker'
alias dks='docker start'
alias dkr='docker run...etc'