- Edited
my small aliases
`# Development
#alias test="sh /scripte/bash/test"
alias fetchYml="../common/Scripts/yauto.py"
alias updateYml="/usr/share/ypkg/yupdate.py"
alias makefile='echo "include ../Makefile.common" > Makefile | echo "Makefile initialisiert"'
alias package_yml='firefox https://getsol.us/articles/packaging/package.yml/en/#mandatory-keys'
alias solchroot='sudo solbuild chroot -p unstable-x86_64'
alias chmodx='sudo chmod +x'
alias create-repo='sh /scripte/Solus/infrastructure-tooling/create-repo'
alias init-repo='sh /scripte/Solus/infrastructure-tooling/init-repo'
alias new-repo-from-differential='sh /scripte/Solus/infrastructure-tooling/new-repo-from-differential'
alias gs='git status'
alias ga='git add'
alias gc='git commit'
alias la='exa -lagh --sort=name'
alias dir='ls --color --group-directories-first'
alias rm='rm -vI --one-file-system'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias smicro='sudo micro'
alias malias='micro /scripte/bash/bash_aliases'
alias aliases='awk "1" /scripte/bash/bash_aliases'
alias getisodate='date --iso-8601=seconds'
alias createkey='pwgen -s $1 8'
alias term-it='sh /scripte/bash/bash_term-it'
alias ytdlmp3='youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 -o "/Musik/%(title)s."'
alias ytdlkmv='youtube-dl -o "/Videos/%(title)s." -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/bestvideo+bestaudio'--embed-thumbnail --add-metadata --merge-output-format mp4'
alias backup='sh $HOME/scripte/Backup/backup_script.sh'
and I wrote a simple bashscript with these function for packaging
` Syntax: solt [<Order>] [<Argument>]
Where <Order> is one of the following orders could be
search <Argument> (sr) - Search after eopkg packages with up to 3 search terms
info <Argument> (if) - Set information about a eopkg package
pkgconf <Argument> (pkg) - Search for package from a pkgconfig()
create-repo <Argument> (cr) - Create a new phabricator repo package
update-repo <Argument> (ur) - Update phabricator repo package
get-repo <Argument> (gr) - Clone phabricator repo package
clone-diff <Argument> (cd) - Clone phabricator repo and arc patch a diff
newest-source <Argument> (ns) - get the newest source url from a phabricator repo package
repo <Argument> - Check if a new package is available or not
solbuild-update (sup) - Updates Solbuild
clean-local (cl) - Deleted all eopkg files in ../solbuild/local
help - Shows this dialog
Additional flags:
- co : Updates only the common folders inside the packaging folder
- all : Updates Solbuild and common folders
- check : Checks the repo list if any mentioned packages have a new update available
- add <name> : Adds a repo package to the check list
- usage : clone-diff reponame Dxxxx
- usage : clone-diff reponame Dxxxx