Some of them:

alias clearPatches="rm $HOME/Downloads/*.patch"
alias deepGitDiff="git diff --patience --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space"
alias search="ag"
alias qemuMakeHDD="qemu-img create -f raw"
alias qemuRun="qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2048M -display sdl"
alias cleanSolbuildLocal='sudo rm /run/media/joshua/pool/Linux/solbuild/*.eopkg'
alias copyEopkgToLocal='sudo cp -R *.eopkg /run/media/joshua/pool/Linux/solbuild/'
alias create-repo='$HOME/Code/repository/infrastructure-tooling/create-repo'
alias init-repo='$HOME/Code/repository/infrastructure-tooling/init-repo'
alias new-repo-from-differential='$HOME/Code/repository/infrastructure-tooling/new-repo-from-differential'
alias init-repo-commit='git commit -s -m "Initial repository construction" --allow-empty'

In case my brain derps:

alias eokpg="eopkg"
alias epkg="eopkg"
alias epokg="eopkg"
alias eopgk="eopkg"
alias reste="reset"

I also have a bunch of goToN (replace N with name of project) aliases, so I don't have to bother using a separate util like goto for effectively the same thing (cd'ing to a directory).


export solusProjectDir="$HOME/Code/SolusProject"
alias goToBudgie="cd ${solusProjectDir}/budgie-desktop"
alias goToFerryd="cd ${solusProjectDir}/ferryd"
alias goToSolusSite="cd ${solusProjectDir}/solus-site"

I also have a few deployX aliases that run rsync commands of public-deployed/ Hugo generated sites to various remote servers. They follow the template of rsync -avzu --delete public-deployed/ ssh-server:/home/user/public-deployed/

Other niceties that I have, such as git aliases in my ~/.gitconfig

    permission-reset = "!git diff -p | grep -E \"^(diff|old mode|new mode)\" | sed -e \"s/^old/NEW/;s/^new/old/;s/^NEW/new/\" | git apply"
    commit-count = "!git rev-list --count"
    diff-count = "!git diff --patience -w --stat"
    • [deleted]

    • Edited

    alias turbo='sudo cpupower frequency-set -g performance'

    It looks like some really powerful stuff here. Enough homework for me to look through and start understanding what each does and how I could use it!!

    I use SSH keys so I don't have to type passwords to login to systems that I need to regularly. So these aliases make it even quicker. username, IP and mac addresses have been redacted:

    alias lexi='ssh username@x.x.x.x'
    alias squid='ssh username@x.x.x.x'
    alias znc='ssh username@x.x.x.x'
    alias tbox='ssh username@x.x.x.x'

    Turn on system:
    alias wtbox='wol 00:00:00:00:00:00'

    Sometimes I'll reboot the server my irc bouncer is on and need to start the service again:
    alias rsznc='ssh username@x.x.x.x znc'

    Get ip address:
    alias getip='wget -O - -q ; echo'

    System temps:
    alias gettemp="sensors && nvidia-smi -a -q | grep -i \"GPU Current Temp\""

    Get file permissions in octal:
    alias chkoctal='stat -c "%a %n" *'

    Backup home folder to external usb drive:
    alias rsynchome="rsync -avh --delete --exclude-from='/home/username/.rsyncexclude' /home/username /mnt/Backup/Home"

    Update music collection on other system:
    alias rsyncpushmusic="rsync -avh --delete /mnt/DataDrive/Music username@x.x.x.x:/mnt/Data/"

    Solus packaging:
    alias fetchYml="$HOME/repository/common/Scripts/"
    alias updatePackage='/usr/share/ypkg/'

      Girtablulu and I wrote a simple bashscript with these function for packaging

      Can you share this one? 🙂

      @Harvey why not add a systemd service to start it?

        Harvey For your ssh aliases, you can just add them to .ssh/config. Check out this blog post.

        Sometimes I'll reboot the server my irc bouncer is on and need to start the service again:

        Like what @Justin mentioned, should just use a systemd unit 😃

        # Solus Specific
        alias ap='~/repository/common/Scripts/'
        alias ebx='sudo solbuild build pspec.xml -p unstable-x86_64'
        alias reload='source ~/.bashrc'
        alias bashrc='qedit ~/.bashrc'
        alias sr='eopkg sr'
        alias it='sudo eopkg it'
        alias info='eopkg info'
        alias up='sudo eopkg up'
        # Directory/File Stuff
        alias ..='cd ..'
        alias l='ls -hl --group-directories-first'
        function mkcd { if [[ -d $1 ]];then cd $1;else mkdir $1;cd $1;fi }

        I have more but they're on my main rig which I am not near currently.

        Justin well get read for some horrible bash scripting 😃


        echo ""
        echo " Syntax: solt [<Order>] [<Argument>]"
        echo ""
        echo " Where <Order> is one of the following orders could be"
        echo ""
        echo " search <Argument> (sr) - Search after eopkg packages with up to 3 search terms"
        echo " info <Argument> (if) - Set information about a eopkg package"
        echo " pkgconf <Argument> (pkg) - Search for package from a pkgconfig()"
        echo " create-repo <Argument> (cr) - Create a new phabricator repo package"
        echo " update-repo <Argument> (ur) - Update phabricator repo package"
        echo " get-repo <Argument> (gr) - Clone phabricator repo package"
        echo " clone-diff <Argument> (cd) - Clone phabricator repo and arc patch a diff"
        echo " newest-source <Argument> (ns) - get the newest source url from a phabricator repo package"
        echo " repo <Argument> - Check if a new package is available or not"
        echo " solbuild-update (sup) - Updates Solbuild"
        echo " clean-local (cl) - Deleted all eopkg files in ../solbuild/local"
        echo " help - Shows this dialog"
        echo ""
        echo " Additional flags: "
        echo ""
        echo " - solbuild-update "
        echo " - co : Updates only the common folders inside the packaging folder"
        echo " - all : Updates Solbuild and common folders"
        echo ""
        echo " - repo"
        echo " - check : Checks the repo list if any mentioned packages have a new update available"
        echo " - add <name> : Adds a repo package to the check list"
        echo ""
        echo " - clone-diff"
        echo " - usage : clone-diff reponame Dxxxx"
        echo ""

        repo=/home/fredu/.solus # where the packaging is

        Background color terminal output


        fileCheck ()
        if [ -z "$1" ]; then
        printf "${BGC_red} Please input package file name. ${nc}"
        exit 1
        elif [ -d "$1" ]; then
        printf "${BGC_red} Directory already exists. ${nc}"
        exit 1

        rootCheck ()
        if [[ "$EUID" -gt 0 ]]; then
        printf "${BGC_red} ERROR: This operation requires escalated privileges. Exiting! ${nc}"
        exit 1

        createCommon () {
        git clone
        ln -sv common/Makefile.common .
        ln -sv common/Makefile.toplevel Makefile
        ln -sv common/Makefile.iso .


        case "$arg" in
        search | sr)
        eopkg search "$1" | grep "$2" | grep "$3" | sort

        info | if)
            eopkg info "$1"
        pkgconf | pkg )
            python $repo/common/Scripts/ $1
        create-repo | cr)
            cd $repo
            fileCheck $1
            mkdir $1 && cd $1;
            printf "${BGC_green} Please enter package source url: ${nc}"
            read URL
            $repo/common/Scripts/ ${URL};
            git init;
            echo "include ../Makefile.common" > Makefile;
            printf "${BGC_green} Makefile created ${nc}"
            exec bash
        update-repo | ur)
            cd $repo
            fileCheck $1
            git clone $repo_url
            cd $1
            printf "${BGC_green} Please enter new version No: ${nc}"
            read VERSION 
            printf "${BGC_green} Please enter new source url: ${nc}"
            read URL
            /usr/share/ypkg/ ${VERSION} ${URL}
            exec bash
        get-repo | gr)
            cd $repo
            fileCheck $1
            git clone $repo_url
            cd $1
            exec bash
        clone-diff | cd)
            cd $repo
            if [ ! -d "Diff_Clone" ]; then
                mkdir -p $repo/Diff_Clone
                cd  $repo/Diff_Clone
            fi &> /dev/null
            cd $repo/Diff_Clone
            git clone $repo_url
            cd $1
            arc patch $2
            exec bash
        newest-source | ns)
            url=$(w3m -dump$1/browse/master/package.yml | grep 'source :' -A1 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')
            getnewsource=$(cuppa q $url)
            getrepoinfo=$(eopkg info $1 | grep -m1 "Name" | awk '{print $3,$5}' | sed 's|,| -|; s|,||')
            printf "${color_yellow}Repo version:\e[0m   ${getrepoinfo} ${nc}"
            printf "${color_yellow}Source version:\e[0m ${getnewsource} ${nc}"
        repo )
            if [[ $1 == "check" ]]; then
                while IFS= read list; do
                url=$(w3m -dump$list/browse/master/package.yml | grep 'source :' -A1 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')
                getnewsource=$(cuppa q $url)
                getrepoinfo=$(eopkg info $list | grep -m1 "Name" | awk '{print $3,$5}' | sed 's|,| -|; s|,||')
                    if [ "$(cuppa q $url | awk '{print $1}')" == "$(eopkg info $list | grep -m1 'Name' | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's|,||')" ]; then
                        echo ""
                        printf "${color_yellow}Repo version:\e[0m   ${getrepoinfo} ${nc}"
                        printf "${color_yellow}Source version:\e[0m ${getnewsource} ${nc}"
                done < /home/fredu/scripte/Solus/packagelist
            elif [[ $1 == "add" ]]; then
                echo $2 >> /home/fredu/scripte/Solus/packagelist
        solbuild-update | sup)
            printf "${color_yellow}Updating... ${nc}"
            if [[ $1 == "" ]]; then
                sudo solbuild update > /dev/null 2>&1
                printf "${BGC_green} Solbuild updated ${nc}"
            elif [[ $1 == "-co" ]]; then
                for i in $(find $repo -type d -name 'common'); do
                    cd "$i/"
                    git pull > /dev/null
                printf "${BGC_green} Common folder updated ${nc}"
            elif [[ $1 == "-all" ]]; then
                sudo solbuild update > /dev/null 2>&1
                for i in $(find $repo -type d -name 'common'); do
                    cd "$i/"
                    git pull > /dev/null
                printf "${BGC_green} Solbuild and Common updated ${nc}"
        clean-local | cl)
            find /var/lib/solbuild/local -type f -name '*.eopkg' -delete &
            printf "${BGC_green} Removed *.eopkg in ../solbuild/local ${nc}"
        help | --help | -h)


          • [deleted]

          alias admedit="VISUAL=gedit sudoedit"


          alias ls='ls --color=auto --group-directories-first -v'
          alias df='df -h -x squashfs' # Thanks popey for this one


          [url ""]
           insteadOf = "gh:"
          graph = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset %C(cyan)(%an)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
          grab = "!f() { git clone$1.git; }; f"

          First time hearing this alias thing.
          Now i have one alias:

          alias ls="lsd"