brent You can try those files but the StartupWMClass=LibreWolf is what he said
it should be earlier and it didnt work.
Just got remb to drag that file to plank because I am not sure the Startmenu one is correct didnt look at it before
I deleted Librewolf
Tried to use (xprop WM_CLASS) earlier to find proper WM_Class name but had no luck.
So then I deleted that line and it worked.
But once I edited it you can just double click file in file manager and see if it works if it does drag it to plank
and should work.
No need mess with the icon because its not what is opening the second instance.
just stay focused either the file harvey said or the other one delete that line then try run it from file manager
and see if it works if does drag the one that works to plank nothing will change
To put it short i think because we dont have the proper wm_class name it is opening the second instance
and by deleting that line your telling it not to.
Thats how I understand after short reading on it and testing (I could be wrong)
its late zzzzzz time.