Heya folks! This week brings us the latest GNOME Desktop, 46.1! GNOME 46 comes with several new features, including a global search feature in Files, an enhanced Files app, upgraded GNOME Online Accounts with support for Microsoft OneDrive, remote login with RDP, and much more. Check out their release post for all the details.

Have you ever tried opening a directory or file, and had it open in the wrong program? Us, too. That's because we never provided a file defining the default program for different MIME types. We're working to address that, starting with the GNOME edition. GNOME users will now have this file installed, so your favorite text editor should no longer open directories, and other similar annoyances. Progress on this issue is being tracked here.

Samba has been updated to 4.19.6. This release contains improvements including mitigating performance regressions due to security fixes, migrating smbget to use a common command a line parser for robustness, removing all in-tree cryptography in favor of relying fully on GnuTLS, and adding a server addresses parameter to smb.conf.

Our entire nftables stack has been updated and rebuilt this cycle. With this update, we now use nftables by default instead of the legacy xtables. This update also removes ebtables and libnetfilter_acct. Users of Docker, lxd, libvirtd and firewalld shouldn't have to do anything in response to the switch to nftables by default. Users doing things more manually may want to make a note of this, however. If you use containers or VMs, please reboot after updating, as interesting things can happen when the kernel mixes xtables and nftables firewall rules.

Docker has been updated to 26.0, with docker-buildx being updated to 0.14.0. The full release notes for Docker 26 can be found here. docker-machine has been removed from the repository as it is no longer maintained upstream.

Minecraft players, rejoice! Prism launcher has been updated to version 8.3, and now uses Java 21 instead of Java 17. This means that Prism will work with the latest and greatest Minecraft versions. Java 17 will remain installed on your systems if you need that version, e.g. for an older version of Minecraft, and/or modpacks.

Handbrake and FFMPEG now work with Intel QuickSync on Tiger Lake and later GPUs! There is a slight catch, though. vpl-gpu-rt needs to be manually installed.

We're now using the iputils version of ping instead of the one provided by inetutils. The ping from iputils is more advanced and more actively developed than the other one, and most Linux distributions have already made the switch. It has also been moved to the system.base component, as a lot of core functionality depends on ping.

There are some font changes this week. Subpixel rendering is now enabled by default. Fontconfig snippets can now be added to the /etc/fonts/conf.d directory to override default configuration files.

Lastly, shim-signed was updated to the latest Fedora upstream version. This fixes running the Mok Management application upon a Secure Boot violation in order to enroll custom certificates or hashes. This only affects users who run custom kernels and wish to keep Secure Boot enabled.

Security updates

There are a couple of important security updates this week:

Make sure to apply these updates to best protect yourself against vulnerabilities!

Other updates

There are too many package updates to sort and list here this week, so the full list has been posted as a GitHub gist instead. It can be found here.

That’s all for this week, folks! We'll be here same time, same place next week for another roundup of the news!

How did the sync go for you?

This poll has ended.

    Known issues

    • GNOME: Cursor may be blurry when mousing over GTK4 based applications when display scaling is enabled.
    • GNOME: Snapshot camera preview can be laggy on some webcams.
    • GNOME: The new GTK4 renderer may not work well with very old GPUs. You can set GSK_RENDERER=gl in the environment to use the old renderer.

      Congrats to the introduction of the MIME types file. Already tested it. If you now install caja or decibels or whatever, guess what, nautilus remains default file browser now. Yay!

      Systemfehler. Programmausführung abgebrochen.
      (-30973, 'BDB0087 DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery -- BDB0061 PANIC: Das Argument ist ung\xc3\xbcltig')
      Bitte geben Sie 'eopkg help' für die allgemeine Hilfe ein
      Verwenden Sie --debug, um einen traceback zu sehen.
      Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/atexit.py", line 24, in _run_exitfuncs
      func(targs, **kargs)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pisi/init.py", line 75, in _cleanup
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pisi/db/filesdb.py", line 94, in close
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/shelve.py", line 146, in close
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/shelve.py", line 173, in sync
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/bsddb/init.py", line 347, in sync
      return DeadlockWrap(self.db.sync)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/bsddb/dbutils.py", line 68, in DeadlockWrap
      return function(
      args, **_kwargs)
      DBRunRecoveryError: (-30973, 'BDB0087 DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery -- BDB0060 PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery')
      Error in sys.exitfunc:
      No handlers could be found for logger "pisi"
      Systemfehler. Programmausführung abgebrochen.
      (-30973, 'BDB0087 DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery -- BDB0060 PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery')

      fixed with:
      sudo eopkg rdb

      EbonJaeger 151 packages, long reboot, some apps sluggish out of the gate, but now cooking along fine.
      I couldn't find any info at BoB about the budgie upgrades I just installed; could you point me in the right direction? thank you.

        brent Any Budgie updates would only be rebuilds for updates in other programs. For example, Budgie Control Center was rebuilt against the new Samba update.

        Updates went nicely. I'm really enjoying the new Gnom, and glad to see that they've made the top panel and some icons smaller. I like it more that way. Big thanks to the Solus team 🙂

        Updates went without a hitch. GNOME 46 is working good so far with no problems to report.

        EbonJaeger Handbrake and FFMPEG now work with Intel QuickSync on Tiger Lake and later GPUs! There is a slight catch, though. vpl-gpu-rt needs to be manually installed

        Not in any big need yet but will this be automatic in the future still use windows for this as my machines use quicksync. Havent crossed the thresh hold as of yet.

        Nice to see it in Linux.

          Axios maybe, I haven't decided yet. The packages involved are not very big and don't do anything unless you have compatible hardware and use a quicksync-compatible application. They could easily be installed by default when someone installs one of those applications. BTW, I'm not very familiar with applications can use Intel quicksync. If someone thinks a particular application is compatible but it doesn't work on Solus please open a github issue for it.

            all good except conky, was it compiled without lua this time? it wont show hands on my analogue clock

            conky: llua_do_call: function conky_draw_clock execution failed: /PATH/TO/scripts/clockadaptagreen.lua:18: attempt to call a nil value (global 'cairo_xlib_surface_create')
            note: path edited to remove my username, the path is correct

              All went well except for Evolution that doesn't want to start anymore 🙁

              Any ideas how to fix that? Thanks!

              I'm seeing some weird kerning on some typefaces on some websites in Firefox today, after updating yesterday. Example:

              "No ti fica tions" is especially bad... I guess "fi" and "ti" form ligatures but it doesn't explain some of the other stuff.

              ReillyBrogan Ok
              I use shotcut it can use Quicksync will check some others out and like stated handbrake can use it.

              I experience the same font problems as @synth-ruiner , not only on firefox, but brave as well. First time I have a complaint since I installed solus in 2016 ! keep up the good work.

                Sync went great, i must again say how happy I am that i found this distro.

                170 packages updated on Budgie. All uneventful = great work by the Solus team. 🙏