Sadly it is not fixed for me. Download speed for the linux-firmware package is around 70 KB/s. Everything else is around 10 MB/s. I ran "eopkg up -x linux-firmware" to have the other packages installed. Downloading the firmware package now, ETA 45 minutes.

- 2 days ago
- Joined Mar 5, 2019
- 1 best answer
Excellent, thanks. I'll try it, since I use Solus since ... 2016 ? Hopefully I can resurrect this laptop and donate it somewhere.
Title says it all. Would solus run on a 2013 MacBook Air ? Or what distro for such a laptop would you recommend in the sense of "ease of installation" and "supported hardware". Wifi is a must. I'd be fine with an ubuntu variant.
thanks, carl
Update went well. Just curious, why is there an update for the linux headers to 6.10, but not the 6.10 kernel itself ?
thx, carlReillyBrogan taht fixed my font issues, thanks.
ReillyBrogan second reboot did not solve the problem here, sadly. The old "have you tried to turn it off and on again" does not seem to work here
I experience the same font problems as @synth-ruiner , not only on firefox, but brave as well. First time I have a complaint since I installed solus in 2016 ! keep up the good work.
You then may want to do a "Package Request" which is described on the Solus help pages:
- Best Answerset by rincor
Then you need to add the python3-devel package:
sudo eopkg install python3-devel
EbonJaeger just for the record, I experience the same issue.
Since atom is dead, maybe is for you. Its a fork/continuation of atom.
You may look here as well: In A New Voyage
Its great to see Solus sail again. I was on the the edge of changing distro coming weekend ( EndevourOS, siduction, Rhino Linux or nix was on the plate) , but I'm happy not to do this since I got better things to do. Like life. And understading rust
@Barbiefan1475 GIMP is usually mentioned as the alternative to Photoshop. It has a different workflow, and people fluid in photoshop usually can not work with gimp, have never heard about it or hate it with a passion
It is a very capable tool, though, even photoshop is probably still the best image editing tool around. is a website where you can search for alternatives for applications. i.e. . kdenlive is often mentioned as a good video editing solution, I have no experience whatsoever with it. gimp and kdenlive are both in the solus repository.
I say try using linux in your school, may it be solus or ubuntu or whatever. As solus is my linux distribution of choice, try it. Its good. Some ubuntu variant maybe a better choice due to the number of available software and applications.There is a fix for an issue I have on my Tuxedo for a while now:
If this patch is not backported to the current LTS 5.15 kernel, is there a chance that Solus can apply the patch, considering it actually works ?
thanks, carlI'd love to see these anouncements on the solus mastodon account , , since I am not on twitter. But thats just me and just a "Complaint at a high level". I'm a happy solus for a couple of years now. Thanks and keep up the good work!
I follow the mastodon solus account, . Is it possible to make those announcements over there as well ?
Just for the record: vs code from Microsoft's debian repo + Ubuntu Budgie has the same behaviour here.
I can confirm this, vs code + solus budgie. On the second "Open a File" , the dialog opens behind the vs code window. Tomorrow I'll check wether this happens with ubuntu budgie and vs code as well. I must say I use the downloaded version of vs code, not the one from the solus repository.
buddyspencer I've managed to run the tuxedo-control-center from the git checkout.
You need git, nodejs and system.devel installed. Probably more, I have lots of devel packages installed. So at least do a
sudo eopkg install -c system.devel nodejs git
Your mileage may vary. I understand that you need to have tuxedo-keyboard installed. Quote from the tcc readme:
TCC depends on the tuxedo-io module from the tuxedo-keyboard package for some core functionality like fan control.
To install the tuxedo-keyboard I did:
git clone cd tuxedo-keyboard make clean make sudo make install sudo modprobe tuxedo_keyboard sudo cp tuxedo_keyboard.conf /etc/modules-load.d/tuxedo_keyboard.conf
From here you clone the tuxedo-control-center repo, install the node packages, build it, run the tccd demon as root and start the control center.
git clone cd tuxedo-control-center.git npm install npm run build sudo dist/tuxedo-control-center/data/service/tccd --start
The last line starts the tccd demon. From another terminal in the same directory do a
npm run start has information on how to start the tccd demon as a systemd service. I did not test that.
Hope this helps.