Axios maybe, I haven't decided yet. The packages involved are not very big and don't do anything unless you have compatible hardware and use a quicksync-compatible application. They could easily be installed by default when someone installs one of those applications. BTW, I'm not very familiar with applications can use Intel quicksync. If someone thinks a particular application is compatible but it doesn't work on Solus please open a github issue for it.

    all good except conky, was it compiled without lua this time? it wont show hands on my analogue clock

    conky: llua_do_call: function conky_draw_clock execution failed: /PATH/TO/scripts/clockadaptagreen.lua:18: attempt to call a nil value (global 'cairo_xlib_surface_create')
    note: path edited to remove my username, the path is correct

      All went well except for Evolution that doesn't want to start anymore 🙁

      Any ideas how to fix that? Thanks!

      I'm seeing some weird kerning on some typefaces on some websites in Firefox today, after updating yesterday. Example:

      "No ti fica tions" is especially bad... I guess "fi" and "ti" form ligatures but it doesn't explain some of the other stuff.

      ReillyBrogan Ok
      I use shotcut it can use Quicksync will check some others out and like stated handbrake can use it.

      I experience the same font problems as @synth-ruiner , not only on firefox, but brave as well. First time I have a complaint since I installed solus in 2016 ! keep up the good work.

        Sync went great, i must again say how happy I am that i found this distro.

        170 packages updated on Budgie. All uneventful = great work by the Solus team. 🙏

        I had the font kerning issues too during testing, but they went away after a few reboots.

          It was so fast that I was surprised it was already done! ^^

          ReillyBrogan second reboot did not solve the problem here, sadly. The old "have you tried to turn it off and on again" does not seem to work here 🙂

          Try this to see if it fixes it:

          cd /usr/share/fonts/conf.d/
          sudo rm 10-hinting-full.conf
          sudo ln -srv /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-hinting-slight.conf 10-hinting-slight.conf
          sudo fc-cache -f -s

          Then reboot.

            No issues here, guess I did not notice the font kerning issue, I don't know if it was fixed or never had it. Update went smooth, I really like GNOME 46, been back to Solus since a couple of weeks and some things are working better than they did on Fedora so I guess I'm staying.

              juampiursic Solus is certainly a good place to stay haha. Though I am curious about what things work better on here compared to Fedora in your experience.


              Just to be clear, since nobody mentioned it in this thread, the solution is to add require 'cairo_xlib' on top of the lua file (together with require 'cairo')