brent Does that mean the X11 Budgie I have now is different than the Wayland Budgie experience---different apps? Or to keep it real, Plasma X and Plasma W right now?
Wayland has improved security, supposedly frame perfect by design (no tearing), for some including me it felt snappier too but that is hard to quantify and could be more that my hardware sucked more on X11 than it does on Wayland rather than any actual improvements to Waylands design.
brent my unsupported nvidia, for instance has deprecated support, and runs perfectly fine on Nouveau. And it might not in Wayland? then no so much an nvidia/W problem then it would be a Nouvea/Wayland problem?
It is my assumption that if your using the nouveau driver you will avoid a lot of the nvidia problems under Wayland. But that is not to say there are not any. I no longer have nvidia hardware so I can not test it.
brent Here's my take: there is no magic list yet and it's still touch and go and older hardware is not necessarily a significant factor.
I can see newer hardware being more relevant today resulting in more attention fixing issues it may have but its just a possibility that crossed my mind, not a fact.
If we ignore wayland and focus on proposed baseline changes. The only way to know for sure if you have oldish hardware is to run the --help
Subdirectories of glibc-hwcaps directories, in priority order:
x86-64-v3 (supported, searched)
x86-64-v2 (supported, searched)
Mine is -v3 meaning anything compiled to -v3 or lower baselines will work fine on my system. If its -v4 it won't work at all. But if its lower than -v3 then there may be some features my CPU supports that can not be taken advantage of which may reduce performance on modern hardware which is why you may have have heard about other distros also looking at bumping this baseline.
The reason no one can give you a list is because Intel and to a lesser extent AMD have disabled some features on their CPU's on the lower end models. My laptop from 2010 is -v2, some stuff from 2007 may be -v2 but some stuff in 2011 may not. Its a mess.