Harvey I can see newer hardware being more relevant today resulting in more attention fixing issues it may have but its just a possibility that crossed my mind, not a fact.
I'm going to monitor Wayl/Hardware threads more with that mind. Hopefully I'll know what I can get away with as it goes.
Subdirectories of glibc-hwcaps directories, in priority order:
x86-64-v3 (supported, searched)
x86-64-v2 (supported, searched)
--my output identical.
Harvey Mine is -v3 meaning anything compiled to -v3 or lower baselines will work fine on my system. If its -v4 it won't work at all. But if its lower than -v3 then there may be some features my CPU supports that can not be taken advantage of which may reduce performance on modern hardware which is why you may have have heard about other distros also looking at bumping this baseline.
^^^ Invaluable, now I understand the term baseline a bit better. your last sentence explains the -v2.
Harvey The reason no one can give you a list is because Intel and to a lesser extent AMD have disabled some features on their CPU's on the lower end models. My laptop from 2010 is -v2, some stuff from 2007 may be -v2 but some stuff in 2011 may not. Its a mess.
that's ok. as long as I'm paying better attention to the coming changes the more prepared I can be--the only reason I started this thread was to know if I had to throw my computer or any parts of it in the trash this year. I have no doubt Wayland will phase some things out and most things will be unaffected.
you would be a good educator professionally because you are a good educator. you can sift thru all the crap and focus on exactly the underlying sentiment expressed even if not articulated well by the thread-starter. I'm a lot closer to understanding then when I asked. Appreciate your help navigating this change.