ReillyBrogan maybe the Telegram crashing was caused by libwebkitgtk
I've been really busy today, but I did download that webkit library and install it. Assuming that it would be like updating a DLL for Windows, I also rebooted to make sure the new version was loaded.
At first I thought it had fixed the problem, as I chatted with several friends with no crashes, but just about the time I was going to log on here and congratulate you, is crashed. But after restarting it once, it's been a very long time now without another crash, so I'm still at a loss. If it hasn't been crash-less for a full half-hour of correspondence, it's been very close to that. I don't think it's ever lasted this long for me since the Telegram Troubles started.
It seems to be really close to being fixed, except for that one crash. Maybe that was caused by something in a cache? What's you experience been like? Have you had time to check it out yet?