Recently, not sure if it's a result of the last update or maybe the one before, I've been seeing an odd screen effect. My screen is on a Latitude laptop, 1920x1080, and when I restore it in the morning from hibernation the bottom 1" of the screen is blurred. The only way I've found to clear it is to log out and back in.
This is in a Wayland session -- which is a work in progress -- and it causes no real harm, but I was wondering whether anyone else was experiencing this? And if you are, did you realize you could fix it so easily?
I've used Wayland since well before this started happening. so it's indeed something fairly recent. I haven't experimented to find out whether it happens with X11 as well, but I'll do that now.
On X11 now. I'll work this way for a while, then hibernate, and see what happens when I wake up the laptop.
Okay, after using X11 for a while, I've hibernated this laptop, and took a break to prepare our breakfast, and to eat mine. Now I've awakened the laptop, and confirmed that there is NO blurry inch at the bottom of my screen. I realize this is not a statistically significant sample size, but it's a personally significant one. I'm willing to accept that the blur at the bottom of my screen is indeed a Wayland issue. As work continues on Wayland, I'm hoping that will soon disappear.
So, is anyone else seeing this happen, either in connection with hibernating or at other times? Going back to Wayland now.