TraceyC Thanks, but I mainly related to above sayings regarding dr and rr here,
and my side note mainly related to an incidence I saw long ago on channel (technical, no mess) which might have been related. since I am a newbie I also explored a bit and that was my way to explain it/show it's this way, if a bit awkward... (This time I said it's not a recommendation for a REALLY good reason OFC. I did try to explore the exact behavior myself.)
OFC showing eopkg help like you did was a better way 🙂
Anyway... Thanks for your post. It's helpful. (in general, and also personally to me - I don't know how to grep and examples help me too, BTW)
P.S. Don't worry, I have/had eopkg working great on my side, it was just to show something 🙂