@tomscharbach : When I looked at gnome-boxes a long while ago, I wasn't very impressed with it. With the problem of total lockup when a VirtualBox is taken to full-screen in a Wayland session, though, I thought I'd take another look at Boxes, and I must say I'm impressed. It's come a long way.
I have a couple questions for a Boxes expert, if you have time for this.
(1) I haven't found a way yet to create an EFI version of any Solus edition. Is this just not possible, or have I just not found the secret yet, and should keep looking? I could choose to create an EFI VM of Windows 11, but not Windows 10, and not a non-Windows OS.
(2) I haven't found a way to prepare a disk prior to installation, and assign mount points during the installation. I can create one the size I need, but with either an EFI partition or a SWAP partition, the installer complains that it doesn't have any place to put a boot loader. So I can't get a Boxes VM to hibernate, for lack of swap space.
If you have any suggestions to get around these apparent limitations, I'd appreciate it. If not, I'll still use Boxes in Wayland, until Oracle solves their lockup problem, because it allows me to use the VMs at full-screen. As I said, Boxes has come a long way.