bleh I simply wandered into the snakepit thinking I was safe!
If I had a nickel for every time this has happened to me on my linux journey
bleh e software center which is getting better and better and since this thread is on unstable packages appearing
this I have not noticed. but I've been leaning on flatpaks lately.
bleh I think it should be communicated, as the transition to serpent base should be widely known and also understood
if I had to guess this will be a massive undertaking. communication, to me, has been 1000X better since Strobl & Co. ressurected Solus. What happened to you sounds anamolous. And I don't say that in jest--my only problems are the weird and rare ones myself...
bleh Even after reading, searching, and learning some linux, only now am I starting to understand terminology like operating system, daemon, package, package manager, desktop environment, firmware, bios, etc.
oh yeah I am still learning this stuff. but I don't expect any distro to have plain-speak tutorials on an app or package beyond the software center blurb. linux requires a bit of independent research sometimes. I read a handful of articles.videos for any driver I may want to install or any reckless undertaking (my specialty) that would jeopardize the OS, or software I want to try. you got to put yourself in the position not to be in the dark, I think. Or that's just what I've learned on this non-windows road.