WetGeek their results are as poor as google's for many things but it is my go-to engine. I haven't used google proper at home for some years.
when I really want to get smarter I use Mojeek🙂

    brent it is my go-to engine. I haven't used google proper at home for some years.

    Same here. I don't use Google for anything, if I can help it. DDG has never let me down.

    brent when I really want to get smarter I use Mojeek

    Interesting. That's one I'd never heard of. I think I'll look for it in the repository and give it a try. It seems to have the same "no tracking" philosophy as DDG.

    EDIT: Nope. Not in the repository. How did you access it?

      I tested this new ISO image (Budgie) on VirtualBox and the performances are there. 😃
      Congratulations to the whole team of Solus who has not spared their sentence to provide its users so quickly to this beautiful result, which announces many others. And the reactivation of Solus by Distrowatch will allow it to be recognized now as a Linux distribution with which it will be necessary to count.
      This version 4.4 was called Harmony, she reminds me of the title of the 14th episode of the British TV series 'The Prisoner': Living in Harmony:
      Very good choice, Solus will show its singularity by another approach in the design of a Linux distribution, just as the number 6 dreamed of another world ...
      Just a small detail (as a famous inspector would say) : the default theme defined for this new version is Materia ; so in LibreOffice Writer (Tools menu, then Extensions manager ...), the detail of the added extensions is not displayed, click on each of them so that it is displayed in black on a blue background ; however, unless I'm mistaken, it seemed to me that the Materia Dark theme was that held by Solus, and with it, the detail of the extensions is perfectly readable. That being said, it can be corrected manually, it was just to tell you.
      Best ragards !

        WetGeek not the repo. it's just a (a finnish? I forgot) search engine you can bookmark. it's interesting. it goes down many layers of the internet and you may notice the absence of things used to. Or not. it's not deep/dark type weirdness---you know how google and ddg will give you basically identical top 40 results in response to your keywords? this one does not.

          brent it's just a (a finnish? I forgot) search engine you can bookmark

          Vivaldi makes it easy to add search engines. It's the first time I've done it, but I think I got it right. If you look, Firefox probably has a similar feature.

          According to Wikipedia, it's based in the UK. Dunno exactly what that means. The UK is pretty spread out.

            brent Thanks for dipping down the red pill hole. It is not cut 'n dry, is it? More like preferences, just like dev team members preferring matrix to forum. We have no choice but to follow, or leave. 😄

              WetGeek It's the first time I've done it, but I think I got it right.

              Almost got it right. Actually, the url needs to be https://www.mojeek.com/search?q=%s

              If you can find where to put that in Firefox, it'll be easier than a bookmark, I think. On the address line, I just typed:
              m SpaceX
              and it immediately returned the result.

              EDIT: the %s gets substituted by the search term. On Firefox that might vary, but it's likely to be the same.

              Incredible release, budgie on Solus is back on my desk and i really want to keep it !

              Harvey As we usually mention these sort of changes between ISO releases, Solus sets vm.max_map_count=2147483642 and have done so since May 2023 (Existing installs need not do anything its already done). Why you might care about that: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Fedora-39-VM-Max-Map-Count

              So basically the only difference between updated iso 4.4 and my updated hdd 4.3 to 4.4 is I never uninstalled nautilus but you guys did?
              think I will do that now.

                brent pre-existing installations do not get zram activated automatically. Only new 4.4 installs do. This is easy to do though, run sudo eopkg it zram-generator-defaults and you'll have zram enabled on your next boot.

                  ReillyBrogan That is interesting.
                  For my part, I had added to the file /etc /fstab, the following line :
                  TMPFS /TMP TMPFS NODEV, NOSUID, SIZE = 20%, Mode = 1777 0 0
                  Does installing zram-generator-defaults duplicate work or not, and if so, which one is to be recommended ?

                    What a joy, I am back on Solus!

                    • [deleted]

                    • Edited

                    olivir It sort of creates a compressed swap file to RAM, which will be used before the system starts swapping to disk. In a nutshell you can store more stuff in RAM with some CPU tradeoff.

                    penny-farthing It looks like you are creating a tmpfs mount for /tmp, this is not the same as ZRAM. ZRAM is a compressed swap device that lives in memory, it's most useful for devices with low memory but devices with more memory can also benefit. There's no downside to enabling it, if your system doesn't need that memory then it won't use it and the performance impact is negligible.

                    olivir There's probably not a big difference, but your system can store more filesystem pages in memory which can improve responsiveness.

                      WetGeek I just ordered another (newer) Optiplex that will be here on Sunday

                      Sunday came and went, and I'm now streaming TV wtih my "new" Optiplex, running Solus 4.4 Plasma. Also on that machine is Elisa, with my music library loaded, and Transmission, to handle torrents. Because my wife watches TV after I've gone to bed, the streaming computer runs 24/7. Thus it's a perfect place for a torrent server.

                      After fussing around a bit with Transmission's properties (it's been years since I've used it), it's now seeding all four of the Solus editions. There hasn't been a lot of traffic yet, but enough for me to tell that it's set up correctly and is working well.

                      I expect the traffic to pick up after more folks who haven't already updated to 4.4 want to install it from the new .ISO file, and choose to get it with a torrent.