
^^ nothing discussed performance that I could see, if that's what you are asking. just that the industry is moving away from x11. See bolded sections called RHEL and MUTTER--they are very eye-opening about that aspect of moving away from it.
That's my take away. Others no doubt know more than I when it comes to performance.

    TraceyC Solus team: genuine heroes! Many thanks for bringing this wonderful OS to life again!

    JoshStrobl Thanks for the clarification, Josh. I dont know nothing about these technical aspects, thats why I fully trust the people who do know all these things (the team) to take the right decisions. It`s just that I like the way Cinnamon looks and behaves. But I understand that there are other things to consider than just the eye candy.

    brent All I see is that people (Linux distros) are deciding to follow other people (RHEL). I do no see a well stated reason. X11 worked all this time without problems. I may be ignorant on this issue, but I've used X11 for decades, and don't see a big, obvious and glaring problem, as far as users are concerned.

    Is this like Apple developers keep changing the UI on the iPhones to make them more complicated? 😆

    • bleh replied to this.

      elfprince What are the advantages of using Wayland vs X11 ecosystem?

      I notice differences when I'm working with VMs. With X11, a VM window will slowly shrink by resizing itself downward in tiny steps. If I don't intercede, it will eventually almost close, right down to the caption bar. It's something you'd probably need to see happen in order to appreciate it. With a Wayland host, the VM window is stable, and doesn't try to downsize itself to nothing.

      And in Plasma, which supports fractional scaling, each mouse click to increase the scaling in X11 increases it by 6.25%, which is said to reduce the chance of creating screen artifacts. In Wayland, each click increases it by 5%. I'm assuming the end result is similar, but it is a difference.

      In practice, I always just click twice to make my 1920x1080 laptop screen more usable. So with X11, that gives me 112.5% scaling, and in Wayland, it gives me 110% scaling. I don't really notice a difference, and I never notice any artifacts.

        elfprince What are the advantages of using Wayland vs X11 ecosystem?

        I forgot to mention the rather subjective feeling that Wayland performs better. It just feels better than X11, in my opinion. I realize I don't have much of a way to measure that, but I enjoy using it.

        Still got that problem of taking a VM to full-screen on a Wayland host, though. (Locks up both the VM and the host.
        Takes an impolite shutdown to continue.) To work with VMs in a full-screen mode, I need to log into an X11 session. I hope that gets fixed soon.

          I understand the issue with X-11 is it's almost unsupported upstream for Linux.. Much more effort is going into the Wayland project. The BSD world has it's own x-11 bubble and will continue to be supported... I encourage y'all to give a BSD a test drive..

          Wonderful ! GUI good, CLI good, Wayland good, Pipewire good, Wine good, Installation fast, Speed unparallel. Very good job, thank you!!!

          WetGeek honestly the weekend I spent with Kionite-wayland I could not tell the difference at all. But I could barely use Kionite so there's that...

          elfprince you did not get your performance question directly answered and I read all link (staudeys fostodon threads wouldn't open for me but I read the others). In fact a DDG search with the words "wayland difference X11 performance linux" gave me exclusively gaming articles and nothing to do with actual performance. I read all links sent to you....it just seems like every reason but performance is covered: underdeveloped, X11 peeps bolted for Wayland, and all signs that Wayland is going to be friendlier and easier for package builders, devs, and maintainers (when kinks ironed out); simple evolution., I get the feeling performance is not the or a factor but there are a bunch of other factors instead.
          --just an opinion based on about 35 minutes reading last night.
          As usual my impressions could be entirely wrong🙂

            brent In fact a DDG search with the words

            So, you duck duck went, eh? How does it feel to be duck duck gone now? Any smarter?

              WetGeek their results are as poor as google's for many things but it is my go-to engine. I haven't used google proper at home for some years.
              when I really want to get smarter I use Mojeek🙂

                brent it is my go-to engine. I haven't used google proper at home for some years.

                Same here. I don't use Google for anything, if I can help it. DDG has never let me down.

                brent when I really want to get smarter I use Mojeek

                Interesting. That's one I'd never heard of. I think I'll look for it in the repository and give it a try. It seems to have the same "no tracking" philosophy as DDG.

                EDIT: Nope. Not in the repository. How did you access it?

                  I tested this new ISO image (Budgie) on VirtualBox and the performances are there. 😃
                  Congratulations to the whole team of Solus who has not spared their sentence to provide its users so quickly to this beautiful result, which announces many others. And the reactivation of Solus by Distrowatch will allow it to be recognized now as a Linux distribution with which it will be necessary to count.
                  This version 4.4 was called Harmony, she reminds me of the title of the 14th episode of the British TV series 'The Prisoner': Living in Harmony:
                  Very good choice, Solus will show its singularity by another approach in the design of a Linux distribution, just as the number 6 dreamed of another world ...
                  Just a small detail (as a famous inspector would say) : the default theme defined for this new version is Materia ; so in LibreOffice Writer (Tools menu, then Extensions manager ...), the detail of the added extensions is not displayed, click on each of them so that it is displayed in black on a blue background ; however, unless I'm mistaken, it seemed to me that the Materia Dark theme was that held by Solus, and with it, the detail of the extensions is perfectly readable. That being said, it can be corrected manually, it was just to tell you.
                  Best ragards !