PSA: Sync Deferred Until Tuesday (6/28)
I'd love to see these anouncements on the solus mastodon account , , since I am not on twitter. But thats just me and just a "Complaint at a high level". I'm a happy solus for a couple of years now. Thanks and keep up the good work!
carlberger if you use rss you can get the twitter updates here
Not meaning to annoy you, @DataDrake , but if this will be delayed until Friday, could you please update our expectations? I've checked today about 15 times to see whether the sync has been done, and it's nearly the end of Tuessday for me. Thanks, Bea.
WetGeek Waiting for some last minute updates to finish:
Firefox takes something like 3 hours to build and it's almost done.
Glad to see Firefox 102 was included in the update.
DataDrake Firefox takes something like 3 hours to build
I just finished 7 perfectly smooth updates this morning, mostly Plasma. Just two more Budgie machines upstairs to update. My little TravelMate Plasma laptop required 232 upgrades, so it's pretty obvious that I've been ignoring that one lately. The others needed 18 - 22 upgrades.
Thanks to you and the rest of the team for all that you do. Solus is the first curated distribution I've used, and for the most part it's been entirely trouble-free for the years that I've used it. That takes a lot of work and I really appreciate that.
I hope your A/C is working again. We had a heat wave here in the Pacific NW for two days, ending yesterday. I can't imagine what that would have been like if ours hadn't worked!