Brucehankins Budgie runs amazing on a dual core i3 with 4GB RAM.

I have an i7-6700 with 24(was 32)GB of RAM a 1060GTX (I don't think 1060s came in RTX) and every desktop flies.

    Freshly installed Budgie, loving it !! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    Khm,khm.. I've noticed some of you here have different kind of 'Firefox' logo with the 'Papirus' icons , I can't seem to change it. ๐Ÿคจ

      laky install menulibre ( sudo eopkg it menulibre ), then launch. search for firefox, and change the icon as you want!

        Getta91 Thanks! I can't seem to find the icon I want, but its a nice tool nonetheless!

          laky You can also, get custom icons, Just find one on the net and 'choose icon from file'.

            Yesterday was my current install's 1 year anniversary ๐Ÿ˜

            Operation #1: repository update
            Date: 2019-05-18 16:47
                * Solus repository is updated.

              Theme: Vimix-dark-laptop-doder
              Icons: Sardi w/ Newaita Folders
              Menu Logo: created and shared by reddit user dougie-io in the SolusProject subreddit

                h3o I love those wallpapers (that wallpaper?). Do you mind sharing where you found them, if you can?

                • h3o replied to this.

                  Running Gnome Solus
                  Extensions used:
                  Activities Configurator
                  Autohide Battery (used because on laptop, I don't have this on my desktop)
                  Coverflow Alt-tab
                  Dash to Dock
                  Transparent Panel (temporary test)
                  Unite (that is broken for some reason with firefox and libreoffice, idk why)
                  User Themes (as standard)

                  Application: Plata-Noir-Compact
                  Cursor: Vimix-cursors
                  Icons: Korla
                  Shell: Plata-Noir-Compact

                  Junglist What extensions are you using to get that look?

                  Stefen_Maxwell In order to have the Unite extension display app / titlebar contents on the top bar, you need to enable the app menu, you can do it in dconf-editor (in the screenshot). [sudo eopkg it dconf-editor]

                  Also, you need to have xprop installed [sudo eopkg it xprop]

                  My extensions:

                  I like mine clean and simple.

                  In addition to the the standard extensions to GNOME included from solus, I've also added in
                  Smart Transparent Topbar - so top panel switches between transparent and opaque depending on whether windows are maxed or not.
                  KStatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator Support - Replaced TopIcons with this for smoother integration of icons like Steam and Discord in the upper right system tray area.