Justin I think simple and refined are what make budgie an awesome desktop experience

be carefull, there is mustache at the left who watch what you type on your keyboard and will stole your password! 🤣

    Getta91 It's been some months and I can't remember precisely where I found it BUT you can download it here and the author seems to be Starkiteckt Designs (even if I can't find the wallpaper in the ArtStation page) 🤔


    I'm using plank with auto-hide , but like the panel on the left. I'll Have to try that in dock mode so it expands as needed.

    Solarmass I know and the best part is that i have no problems at all on this notebook to connect to wifi & bluetooth

    uhhmeeyell its just conky and a 100% transparent top bar. i think i did a bit of a howto that u may find if u scroll up quite a few months