jujey looks awesome! how do you min/max/close windows? just hotkeys? I haven't tried openbox yet (I love i3-gaps though)

    synth-ruiner yes I just use hotkeys, recently removed my dock which was tint2, I do everything with keyboard now haha. I have tried i3-gaps too, I like Tiling WM's but surely not my thing, I started using Openbox because of the simplicity of it on r/Unixporn, believe me you should try it. I'm kind off new to Linux and I found it really easy to customize!

    synth-ruiner I'm using alt+f4 to close, Super+v to minimize and Super+f to maximize.

    Justin 😃 Sure, it's just budgie... 🙂

    Gtk theme is in progress, I've rewrite it with a clean and maintainable codebase but there is a lot of work to do...
    The window transparency is done with devilspie, audio spectrum is glava and that's all 🙂
    I've just configure 3 panels, top, right and bottom...
    Icons are Newaita.

    I've take more screens, apps are nautilus and gnome-terminal (with budgie-menu), gedit (with osd), gamehub (with notification), and sofware center (with raven)...

      Justin Tks... No repo at the moment but it will come... let me finish the dark variant and I'll push it.
      I'll keep the community in touch...
      It seems the notification needs my attention too 😃
      Thanks for your feedback...

        jujey I rebuilt compton based on that fork, email me again and I'll send you the file to test, as before, no guarantees, no warranty, unofficial, not responsible for any losses or nuclear war, etc.

          Justin Installed perfectly, just don't know how to apply it/use it.

          Well this is a Show Your Solus, not a support topic, so feel free to communicate with him separately on the matter. Cheers 🙂