Other people here have gone with the minimalist approach. I on the other hand have gone with the... well... the weeb approach. Sorry guys but there had to be at least one of us.
Also I use KDE Solus and the ghost plasma theme.
Show your Solus
A simple and nominalistic setup at the moment for distraction free usage
JoshStrobl It's actually Qogir.
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Theme: Qogir
Icons: Papirus
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Icon theme: Arc + Papirus
Gtk theme : Plata Noir
Conky : https://pastebin.com/4EXwxkMD
MatthewScholefield I love these kinds of wallpapers, can't recall the name of the style though.
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leonevo cheers for the conky file, was always looking for a nice simple config
Finally got around to getting Solus installed on this laptop. Pretty close to stock with a few minor tweaks...
- Desktop: Budgie
- Icon Theme: Papirus
- GTK Theme: Adapta-Nokto
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Pretty simple. Got used to the left handed dock years ago from LXLE.