Blumoop What desktop environment is that? I don't recognize it.
Show your Solus
It is KDE Plasma, after I tweaked it to have a Mac/GNOME-like layout with Papirus icons.
This shows us: KDE is very flexible
You can turn a KDE into a Gnome
But never a Gnome into a KDE
I know why I'm with KDE
Halloween Time!
Solus - Gnome with Cosmic Storm icon set.
Icon: MoreWaita
Wallpaper :
Extension: Blur my Shell
I like it minimal
kinda sucks but i'll be improving my desktop
now looks something like this (but kinda worse imo)
KDE Plasma | Icon: Kora | Style: Breeze | Colors: Automatic from wallpaper
I have Krunner enabled on WIN key so i can just press it and start typing to find whatever it is i'm looking for, apps to open etc. I guess similar to how Gnome works.
Power button top left i have set to open Application Launcher in Dashboard view. But i rarely use this menu as i handle most tasks through Krunner
Nice to see my icon theme in use at someone else
I see I missed the trash can
My Gnome Desktop.
THX alfisya!
This is a very nice icon set.
Pjol would be cooler if the taskbar was transparent
anyways sticking to materia, since i liked it from the start of my solus journey
and edited the libadwaita theme, so it would fit the surroundings.