IAMISSAM hi there, its called melody.
Show your Solus
Smallest laptop we have the wallpaper should be a dead give away as to which DE is running.
Need to find a theme and icon set to go with wallpaper.
texas - it sure does look big .....
I like my Solus simple and clean.
Christoph3 thought you'd never use offline music player
C0FFEE Yes i do
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back on budgie after a spell on gnome
and back on arc, it just cant be beaten imho, especially with the built in theme enabled, as that allows u to have a dark raven (looks much better) while keeping a light theme
krauser Bash PS1 Generator and add to ~/.bashrc
When you have some spare time, you always tweak and play. i3wm configuration (work in progress).
spamming the thread with a new look since yesterday
Lucien_Lachance Great song and nice Conky (I assume).
kylostilo I'm assuming you already found it, but if not, I used conky with this theme and conky-manager
to configure the location.
I've been tweaking (well faffing). Trying out Polybar
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LinuxPaulM You're making me want to go back to the ricing life
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aalhitennf Hey can you give some infos about installing i3gaps on Solus please...
EDIT: My bad, the i3 package in the repo is the i3gaps fork...