aalhitennf Changed recently from Budgie to i3gaps, liking it a lot. Feels like i'm soon (not) done with configuring it 😂 . Only if kdeconnect-indicator would behave normally, it doesn't want to use papirus icon.
Monsieur_Caillou aalhitennf Hey can you give some infos about installing i3gaps on Solus please... EDIT: My bad, the i3 package in the repo is the i3gaps fork... 🙂
eljondy yursan9 Hi, can you please provide a guide of how to install bspwm? I tried and failed miserably 😅
yursan9 eljondy It's easy to install bspwm in Solus. sudo eopkg it bspwm. After that, you select BSPWM when you login.
fishyman65712 Just put a few more tweaks on the desktop pc, loaded Solus on it last night. widgets = evopop-gtk-theme icons = surfn evo pop
krauser I think this is a better place to ask than making a thread just for what I'm about to ask: How do you change the prompt's colors? It should be on .bashrc but this one points to /usr/share/defaults/etc/profile. I don't know exactly what line I need to add or modify to get a new color for my prompt. Sorry for the dumb question.
sangheeta Something completely different, with the conky of [deleted] that I modified, thank you @[deleted] 😁
fishyman65712 Smallest laptop we have the wallpaper should be a dead give away as to which DE is running. Need to find a theme and icon set to go with wallpaper.